FArts map?

Is there an online map for the FArts booths? My Google fu is failing me.

I like to use the map in the WDW Food & Wine app. That’s its name, but it covers all the festivals. It lists all the booths, their food and drinks, and pricing. You can mark them as wished for, tasted, and favorite, plus rate them.

ETA: By booths, did you mean food? Or other non-food booths? If the latter, I’m sorry, I don’t have anything.


If art, the best I have is the actual schedules: EPCOT International Festival of the Arts 2025

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I was looking for a map to avoid running all over the place. I have only one day at Epcot and it’s usually a two-day park for me. But these schedules look useful, too. Thanks.

Yes, I was specifically looking for the food booths. This looks like it might do the trick although I was hoping to find a pdf or such. Thanks.

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I agree - that’s why I like the Food and Wine app (for food booths) because I can plan my route. I am struggling to balance my schedule with who I want to see where, but at least I can visualize a little bit with these schedules…

Disney Food Blog has a pdf you can download, if you first sign up to get their newsletters. I didn’t want to sign up for more email schtuff, so I don’t have this myself.

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Yeah, I found this one. But I really don’t need another newsletter.

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I already subscribe to them - here you go:

2025-Festival-of-the-Arts-Map-Menus-v25.0.pdf (2.3 MB)


Thank you!

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I was looking at food reviews online and stumbled across another map. Scroll to the bottom.

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