I’ve done pretty much all of the rides/attractions but what are some things that I might have missed. Or what are little pieces of magic or theming that adds an extra special touch to your vacation? I couldn’t seem to find a list here in the forums.
The piano player at Casey’s.
Here are some of the things I was looking for on my last trip
Main Street USA
• Tony’s left of stairs in the cement is lady and the tramp love
• Getting Lady and the Tramp’s autograph at Tony’s in MK
• Sit on the bench and maybe goofy will talk to you, near Tonys’
• Telephone in the back of hat shop in MK, voice lessons on MSUSA (hint: window.) And of course A Pirates Adventure, SOTMK
• Pooh’s in owls house look behind you there is a picture of toad handing deed of house over to owl
• Peter Pan - Blocks in the nursery Ppan and Disney
• In Pinocchio’s Village Haus, you’ll find a special place for making wishes. The wish book beneath the Blue Fairy stained glass window features real pages that you can write on. Come prepared with a few special wishes to record and add your legacy to the book.
• Across from the Rapunzel restrooms, you’ll find a very special garden. Look closely along the brook and on surrounding buildings for friends of Pascal, Rapunzel’s chameleon companion. Rumor has it that there are a total of 10 of these little lizards tucked away throughout the garden. How many can you find?
• Maximus’s hoof prints (and a treat he was pursuing) near the tinkle tower.
• The wishing well by the castle
• there is a fountain near Fantasyland with Cinderalla…if you look at it from a kid’s sized angle, the tiles in back form a crown
• On the carousel, the horse with a ribbon on it is Cinderella’s Horse
Nautiluses – There are two hidden references to the Nautilus (the ship from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea). The first is inside the tree at the entrance to the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh queue. This tree was originally over part of the former location of the 20,000 Leagues attraction. The second carving is in the queue to the Little Mermaid dark ride, which is also on the old 20k plot
Liberty Square -
• Upper windows 2 lanterns for Paul Revere,
• Rifles in the windows, ready to be called to arms
• Haunted Mansion
Roof Tops has chess pieces
Pillars on either side of door are coffins
13 hours closk has fingers for hands
Pipe organ replica from 20,000 leagues under the sea
By Tombstones dog is rover (CoP & PoC)
Pet Cemetery has Toad on the left
Frontier Land
• Tom Sawyer Ambush Cave water flows up
• Splash Mountain (Chick-a-pin-hill)
• Last gopher says FSU for fl state univ.
• Pirates of the Caribbean
Right hand line line has chessboard locked in stalemate
Stinky Foot has the parrot that used to be outside
As you exit peg legged footprint - Davy Jones??
• Jungle Cruise
Ask a CM about the spider in the que
I love disco, native crouched in bushes on left side
• Metrophone – Near the Tomorrowland Transit Authority and Astro Orbiter in Rockettower Plaza, there is a courtesy phone provided by the Galactic Communications Network.
• Tomorrowland Palms –one of these trees is unlike the others. If you look closely, you’ll notice one of the trees has its leaves closed and is missing its globe-nuts. This is because the leaves are what collects solar power and this power is stored in the globes. This ties together with the relatively-unknown backstory that these “Power Palms” are one (of many) efforts by the Tomorrowland Light & Power Co. Arcade to find methods of alternative energy.
• Spaceship Earth
as you pass cave dweller scene take flash photo directly to your right - surprise
When you choose your future “looks like it’s going to be a great beautiful tomorrow”
• Living with the Land House IT82, year epcot opened
• World Showcase Walking towards Mexico look towards Morocco you can see TOT
• China - Walk into the Temple of Heaven, stand with your feet in the center of the concentric circles, feet directly over the circle, say something, the building is acoustically perfect, your voice should vibrate back
• China male and female foo dogs, male has foot on globe, female foot on baby foo
• China Yong Feng Shangdian has a weathered copper bowl, it’s like a crystal glass, dip your finger in water and make it sing, also the water should splash
• As you leave China, cross the bridge tothe refreshment outpost and open the coca-cola coolers for a surprise if it is working, it may be a kodak moment
• Germany has a train setup
• American Pavilion has a ultilitor
• Muppets - As you enter the Muppets attraction on the right. There is a note that says the key is under the mat. Right below the note is a welcome mat. Look underneath.
• Lights, Motors, Action - Singin’ in the Rain Umbrella –an umbrella attached to a lightpost. Push a button on the umbrella and it “rains” overhead, making for a fun photo op.
• Indiana Jones pull the rope outside Indiana Jones. As you pass the entry, to the left, down the path on the right hand side is the rope
• Great Movie Ride - The carousel Horse is from Mary Poppins, The other half of the plane from Jungle Cruise is here
• Brown Derby has a guest book in the front signed by all the celebrities that have been there
• Mann’s Chinese theater, look for prints and signatures, Nimoy did Spock Hands
• Toy Story Movie Mania TSMM - symbolically you are the size of a toy, Buzz does spock fingers, as you leave there is a golden book of the POkey Little Puppy
• Tower of Terror
Immediately after entering the lobby look to the left, 13 diamond award from AAA
Glasses on concierge table are briken
Bullentin board left of queue may read EVIL TOWER U R DOOMED
Fuse Boxes on left hand side after library, pull the handle, it’s shocking depending on how charged it is
If you see a CM with gold Epaulets he/she is an original TOT CM
• Rock-N-Roller Coaster
"The limo license plates/corresponding song played:
1QKLIMO/”Nine Lives”,
UGOBABE/”Love in an Elevator” [rewrite “Love in a Roller Coaster” “Walt This Way”,
BUHBYE/”Young Lust”, “F.I.N.E.”, “Love in an Elevator”,
H8TRFFC/”Back in the Saddle”, “Dude(Looks Like a Lady)”,
2FAST4U/”Sweet Emotion”
Wow! Saving.
Here’s something my DD found on our trip in early January that I think is pretty special. We were on Tom Sawyer’s Island and had gone through the escape tunnel from Fort Langhorne. I exited into the sunlight before her and she called me back to show me Walt Disney’s initials carved into the stone. Sure enough, carved into the stone, much like the real initials Walt himself carved into his school desk on display in One Man’s Dream, were the letters WD.
I enhanced the photo a bit because my original shot was pretty bad due to the low light in the cave and my being an excited wiggle-worm.
They seem to be carved there on purpose as part of the design - like an authentic Hidden Mickey - almost as if this was the artist’s signature on his work.
You can find the initials just inside the exit of the escape tunnel from Fort Langhorn on the north side of the island. They are at low eye-level on your right if you’re exiting the tunnel, and on your left if you’re going in the exit.
I’ve googled til my fingers bled, but I can’t find any fan-site references to this amazing hidden magic. Have any of you ever seen this treasure from the past?
Imagineers or a ghostly visitor? You decide.