No, this was back in May after Wind Down with @bswan26, @NCDisneyPrincess, @Coconuts, and @djsmom. They can verify that I was completely dry and only moderately tipsy.
If I could get the hang of all these emoticons, I would stick my tongue out at you right now.
Here you go
Really??? Itâs a : and a P lol
No, not really. But you shouls stop rubbing your King of the Emoticons status in everyoneâs face. Bragging is not nice.
not sure about that last one lol
I exited through the front gate to get a bus to POP. Next trip is in Nov, but no plans for any Wind downs this trip (DW doesnât drink, so kind of pointless, plus have PM plans for every night).
We havenât tried the wind down yet, but I have an ADR for Tutto Gusto for my birthday weekend. Anyone else gonna be around on 9/14? Might consider another one for LD weekend too.
I can vouch for @KeliJ only moderately tipsy state as I was sitting next to her at La Cava. I really enjoyed walking out of Epcot in the dark with no one else around other than @bswan26. That was pretty cool, and I hope your pictures turned out. On another note, I am so happy I finally got my picture to upload for my avatar!
HmmmâŚcould I bring guests? I bet Iâd only have to ask ML once.
I R&C last trio, as well as La Cava. I liked them both but will do R&C again so my husband can try it. He does not drink much wine, and he did LC with me last time. R&C is three beers (Harp, Guiness, and Bass) plus a cider. I think
It was tasty, though nothing unusual in the drink department. It does not include the presentation like at LC which was a but disappointing but service was friendly & fun. The food, however, was awesome. The Scotch egg is my my favorite thing ever. It also included a pastry wrapped sausage (Iâd already tried that at the F&G booth) plus a piece of cheddar with a sweetish maybe marmalade topping that was absolute heaven.
@BGK Would love to see your smiling face at Epcot wind downâŚjust tell me where and when
Is your next date Saturday 9/13 or Sunday 9/14?
Itâs 9/14
How big was each beer? Did you get a pint of each? or were they little tiny samplers?
I would guess 8-10 ounces, so not a full pint, but not tiny either.
Should we pass these out during the after hours EP wind down???
Ugh. Unlikely I could get Monday off and no way could I drive three hours home afterwards. Are you going to be around the preceding Saturday?
We are there most weekends. We have Labor Day weekend booked for 2 nights, and several other 1 nighters in Aug & Sept. Just let me know when you plan to be around.