DDP question…Can my DS (17) use his quick service meal but not use the beverage credit with his entree. ie. Can he only get the Lobster roll at Columbia Harbour House and then save the beverage credit for a snack later at a different location?
No. It’s not a beverage credit. Beverages are just included with a meal. If a place offers bottled beverages you could just save it for later.
No it is use it or lose it. I have had a cashier tell me that I could substitute a desert or snack for the beverage.
When we are on the QS Plan, especially while eating at our resort, we will get a bottle of water. Then use the mug for beverage with the meal.
Last trip, we had three extra bottles of water for the drive home.
Thanks everyone. It’s been 5 years since our last trip and I couldn’t remember how the Quick service meal worked. So excited to go to my favourite place again!