When should we expect park hours to be posted for Easter week 2025?
Hours are posted in the MDE app 71 days before the date. Hours are updated on Fridays I believe 10 (?) days before the start of the week.
So you’re saying they’ll be posted 71 days in advance but are subject to change every Friday?
I just looked at MDE and the hours calendar is complete through end of March. But on the Disney website it’s only shown though mid-March. Are you saying MDE gets hours first?
This is accurate
As mentioned, hours can continue to be updated as your date draws near. On Friday I got notification of an hours update for two parks over a few days during my trip that is in 12 days (was 15 days from the date of notificaiton)
Sometimes a new month seems to delay the calendars but you can see April 1st on each park page:
Agreed. For example some March dates now have MK and HS closing at 9 but they have AH events where the tickets say they start at 10. I’m guessing the hours those days may be extended.
No, if there’s an AH event starting at 10, the park will firm close at 9. There’s always an hour’s buffer between day guest hours and hard ticket event hours
Huh. Even for AH? I don’t remember that being the case on previous trips but I am certainly not an expert. Thanks for the correction.
Why would there be an hour buffer, when the ticketed guests can enter starting at 7pm?
To my recollection, yes. But my recollection could be flawed
IDK but I think there is
Give 'em a chance to sweep the day guests out over that hour?
I hope I’m wrong and it will extend to 10p!
I believe there is at least a 30 minute buffer. They do need to sweep out the regular day guests.
You are correct … just look at the posted hours for the MK AH this week.
The 1 hour period not only allows CMs to usher non-AH guests back to Main Street, it also allows time to work off any non-AH guests remaining in the attractions queues prior to switching to Standby only for the AH event.
Selfishly, I hope there is a buffer. Seems like it makes my AH tickets more valuable.
This is interesting to me - I only see up to March 31 on this page as of this post. Also, I had never seen this view before - think you posted about it on the lines chat but I wasn’t familiar with it so glad I found it. But perhaps you are a different time zone to see another day?
No, I am in the same time zone as WDW and I just press the right arrow through to April on the hours link.
This is the same way I watched the waterpark hours (individual park page) but those hours stopped posting on 3/29.
Thanks. It must have been a weird hiccup - the right arrow wasn’t active for me to advance past Mach until midnight. Even tried on different browser and device and didn’t work. At midnight could finally see just April 1 and now also see April 2 this morning. Mine had previously looked like it does where it won’t let me advance to the next month (now May) for MK. That is how it looks for the 4 parks. The water parks let me advance further. But no hours yet for those months.
As of this morning, Tuesday, 1/21/2025 this is what I see on the main Hours & Events page:
And like others are saying, this is what I see on a park-specific page:
Seems weird that they’d have different calendar behavior on different parts of the site.
Your top photo is the 60 day booking window?
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