Easier than I thought

My 60 day fasspass came today. It opened at 5am my time so tried to wake up early and hit right at 5am. Well the fight with the alarm was great but logged in around 5:15am.
Only disappoint was no 7DMT. But scored FoP and Slinky. And I got a KS right before sunset which I really wanted.
I was thinking it was gonna be horrible and I was going to get nothing I wanted and have to change everything cause I would have to settle for other times than I wanted.


Will you be able to utilize the EXTRA EXTRA Magic Hours and ride 7DMT?

Mine went better than I thought, too.


Congrats…You were lucky that your 60 day window didn’t open on a Tuesday when all the problems happen. Don’t sweat not getting a 7DMT FPP. I was quite disappointed in the VERY short ride. Get FPPs for BTMR instead.


Why problems happen on Tuesdays?!!

It’s a thing. Disney’s IT goes bonkers on Tuesdays. Come to think of it, so do my work computers. Something about microsoft updates and patch tuesdays.


I did mine for a quick trip in October last Friday. Couldn’t get SDD on any day or time, but no big deal. Kilimanjaro Sarfaris went faster than expected. Still got a good time, but I’ll have try to modify it later. Did get a surprise 7DMT at 60+4.

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Not even joking… As Liners / Planners we are ahead of 95% of the people who are making FPP & ADR. I had my 12 FPPs completed within 10 minutes.

I had my list of FPPs in the priority order I needed to track them down. 30 minutes after FPP opened, I was just browsing and watching FPPs I saw available earlier vanish. It was a fun game to watch knowing my pressure was off. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


uggg. my fp day is next Tuesday

I’m the Tuesday after you! Tuesday FP days line up with Saturday arrivals, so from what I’ve heard it’s the busiest day which accounts for the problems. That said, I made my FP the same Tuesday last year and didn’t have any major problems. I think I may have had to switch back and forth between my phone and computer a few times, but nothing that stopped me from booking.

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yea I had the same issues last year as well
Eventually got most of what I wanted.