DVC availability 1st weekend of December

I’m pondering a short 3-4nt trip in early December (probably Thurs-Sun but maybe through Monday). Yay!

But wait… I just looked at the predicted DVC availability for Poly and BC (my first 2 choices), and looks like I’ll need to book this ASAP. Is this right? I’m not ready to make this decision right now.

Yes. The first two weeks of December are the most challenging to book for DVC

Cash you’ll be fine though

Happy new year!

Yes, that’s accurate unfortunately. I think there may be better availability at the “old” Poly studios but I don’t think much will be open after 11 months.

I don’t really know when the Stormalong Bay refurb ends but if that is still going on it might help increase availability.

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I did not know your dates but just yo show you a snapshot of availability (this tool grabs data 2x a day done this was from earlier today)

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The numbers in the box tell you how many rooms were available.

That’s such good information. We’re often booking multiple rooms, so knowing the inventory going into the booking process is helpful. Thanks for sharing that website!

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Where is this available? I’ve been interesyed in being able to see the number of rooms available at the 7 month.

Edit: okay - I see it!

It is actually part of a membership to World of Disney.

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I’ve noticed that the 11 months column often shows no availability, but then 14+ (green) in 10/9/8 month columns. What is going on here? Is it people booking the day things open up then canceling? I dont understand this.




What resort is this? Walking might make sense but usually if you have to walk it is popular enough that nothing would be available at 9 months either.

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To go back to this, as a Beach Club owner I always book right at the 11 month mark because there is so little availability. Poly has soooo much more inventory, especially the old rooms, you should have a little more time to make a decision.

It is my one issue with owning there. I am currently deciding between a trip first weeknof Decemeber or early February. I’ve booked the December room, but will have to make up my mind by February, well before anyone else had decided what they are doing.