Does this sound like too much? Keep in mind it will be 2 adults and NO kids.
10/31 head to AK for 8am EMH, stay until noon
Back to hotel (Swan) on bus and change for party
Catch bus to MK around 3 (have Peter Pan FPP window 3:30-4:30)
Do a few rides, grab something to eat and then MNSSHP until the end (hopefully)
We will sleep in the next day and then do a lazy wander through Food & Wine all afternoon and spend the evening in EP. Does my party day sound too exhausting? I am starting to worry that we won’t get to fully enjoy AK and will feel rushed. Given we can walk to EP and HS would it be better to do one of those Friday and switch our AK day to Monday?
My only concern for AK on Monday is that we have a 5pm ressie at Ohana that day. But if we left AK at 2pm, bussed back to Swan and cleaned up we could make it, right?
The big challenge with AK for morning touring is that a lot of the shows don’t have crazy early show times. (I think the earliest show times aren’t until 10 AM.) It really depends what you’re looking to do at AK, though. If you’re looking to do things like the Safari or Everest, you should be fine to do a few things in the morning and then head back. One thing you didn’t mention is lunch, though. You’ll want to figure in some time for that, I’d wager.
Main goals for AK are: safari, FotLK, KRR. Would love to have lunch at the Yak & Yeti CS if time. I am leaning toward switching days for AK. Of course that means changing some FPs but with costumes for party to deal with maybe sticking to a walkable park earlier is best.
I typically tour 14-16 hours a day, without sleep-in days, so your “party” day would be no problem for me. I just think that 4 hours is really short-changing AK - but that’s all a matter of individual priorities…
With just adults I do not see a problem with your plan. I would be very tempted to get a cheap rental car to cut down on transportation time and allow for more time in the parks, especially AK on that morning
I agree @bswan26. I have switched the plans and will switch FPs soon. I love AK and I really want my sister to get to see a lot of it. What time would you leave there on Monday (arriving at 8am for EMH) if you were bussing back to Swan, quick change of clothes then cabbing to Poly for 5pm Ohana? Can we stay at AK until 2pm? 2:30pm? That would give us 6 hours there and for a 4 day trip that includes MNSSHP I think that is pretty good.
I would do DHS or Epcot on the morning of the party, and do AK on Monday and bus RIGHT TO the Poly for your early dinner. That would give you more of a full day at AK and you wouldnt have to get up so early for the EMH so you will be more likely to make it through to the party. Since you’d have to leave AK for the Poly bus before 4pm, that would maybe be a good day to not do an afternoon break and then call it an early night after Ohana?
YES! That is a great idea! We are planning to go to MK just for MSEP and Wishes after Ohana but Wishes is at 9pm so we could leave just after. It’s a long day that way but it’s not like we would have time to rest at hotel. We would have time to sit and eat lunch at AK and if we do both shows, not just FotLK, there will be some nice rest time built into the plan.
Now, how to keep semi-clean and ok hair after a day at AK that included KRR. Lol
Here is another question. Looking at my TP for our AK day and it shows no waits over 8 minutes (not doing EE or Dinosaur). Should I use them for AK or should I save them and use for MSEP and Wishes? I like watching the parade from in front of Pecos Bill’s so I don’t know if we need it for that but is it nice for Wishes?
If I use them for AK what would you use them for?
Are you still talking about party day, because then I don’t think you could use FPP for parade or fireworks at the party… Can anyone confirm? Also keep in mind that the timing is different than for MSEP and Wishes. Or am I just totally confused – you are talking about going to the evening party, right?
I’m with you about watching the parades from FrL/LS area. I’ve done the Wishes FPP, and it’s a trade-off. The benefits are the area is relatively uncrowded and you can get there 10-15 min prior and still be able to see well. Down side is that the view is quite “off-center”, so you don’t get the effect of the FW being OVER the castle (they are to the right of it as you watch); similar to dessert party, only a bit further over. Last time I watched Wishes was from the second floor of the Train Station; great wide-angle view and very easy to beat the crows out of the park.
I like the idea of the second floor of the train station. Will that be able to be accessed during the time when the train is being refurbished though. I have watched the fireworks as I walked through the park toward the exit and still enjoyed them so I will use the FPs at AK.
I actually didnt like watching them from the train station. They dont turn out the lights and I found the music to be far too quiet. It was good for beating the crowds out but it wasnt the same immersive experience.