Does this stress you out too?

Anyone else get stressed out when they check the Park Reservation Availability calendar and see their dates turn yellow?

It looks like a pretty common thing for October, November & December… but it still ran a chill through my body when I saw my Hollywood Studios day turn yellow.

May the BG odds be ever in your favor.


It does, although for me the BG is secondary. My family is so-so on the trip, my DS13 in particular isn’t thrilled to be going right now. The more crowded the atmosphere, the less comfortable some members will feel (and the shorter our day will be). And while DD and I are more comfortable, waiting 60 min for every ride doesn’t sound like a good time either. I want the late-July/early August emptiness!

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Wouldn’t that be nice!? We are going in early December. It’s just my husband and me, so we will be able to maneuver crowds pretty easily just the 2 of us. He’s got a great attitude about it (I think he’s just excited to spend 4 days kid free where we can actually look at each other and talk while we eat a meal. What a concept!) I, on the other hand, want to ride every ride twice and I know I have to readjust my expectations.

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I keep checking like a lunatic, and the week we are going is oddly green for all categories, while every other day is mostly yellow. I don’t know why I keep checking; I can’t stop though.

Are you the week of Dec 16th?? I cannot figure out why that week is all green and my week (the week before) is yellow. Albeit it’s only for HS, the other parks have a check. But that yellow color sure plays tricks with my brain.

We’re going the week of Dec.17 for 4 days. I had to make myself stop checking the calendar. And stop reading the blogs about increased crowds - it’s stressing me out without FPP. The lack of needing to plan is messing me up too. Who knew I was such a type a? lol I very much want to ride RotR but my kids are “meh” on that so we’ll see…

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The Fl resident flex ticket offer ends Dec 18 and I would guess some passholder blackout dates around that week. I wonder if that’s affecting the availability those weeks?


And also, December 1-14 is the cheapest time for DVC members to go based on the points chart. It’s typically a super popular time for DVC and one of the most difficult to get reservations for.


well, I just cancelled my DVC for Dec 1-8 so that opened up some slots :wink:


Yes, we get there on the 13th, with park days on the 14th, 15th, and possibly 17th. When I was booking, I was going to book for the week before but then noticed this week was a lot cheaper! Maybe it’s just a slow week. It’s just weird to me.

You should correct this typo so it correctly reads: I keep checking like a Liner


I am checking constantly too and the stress of not getting a boarding group in HS is definitely there.


Well, my glee of having the only completely open week in December was short lived. Both of my park days now have HS at capacity for ticket guests and resort guests. We could change our pass from HS to AK and maybe that would be more comfortable as far as crowds go. But one of the big reasons we are doing this short two park day trip is so that we can do the non-grandparent-friendly attractions before our big family trip in September (was supposed to happen this past May but had to get rescheduled. We have so many tickets…) I also promised my son that if he brings his grades up, I will pay for him to build a droid. And we also have reservations to H&V which I really want to try with their new set up. So I guess we’ll have to find a way to be comfortable with the crowd!

You can do it! Try to zig when everyone else zags. I’m reading trip reports and the chat when I can to get first hand ideas from people in the parks of where to go when. I’m also telling myself that it’s okay to stand in line for 45 minutes for rides like RnR and SDD because that’s what non-liners do all the time! As long as we can balance those longer lines with shorter ones at other parks in the Morning and evenings, we will still have a great time.

I also have another trip planned in 2021 so that is helping me keep expectations reasonable. You guys will have a blast!

We don’t mind waiting in lines so much. Obviously, we try to avoid it if possible, but it won’t ruin our trip. Our home park is Cedar Point, and there are always lines there that we can’t avoid, so my kids know how it is. I am more concerned just about the number of people. I was hoping we would luck out and it wouldn’t be as crowded as the sold-out live feed videos I’ve seen. BUT, if I were ultimately concerned then it wouldn’t even be on the table to go.

We also have a lot less FOMO on this trip than others, because we know we have to go back again soon to use up our tickets. It’s definitely making the planning process more relaxing!

Ah, yes. I get that and feel the same.

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