Dissention in the Ranks

What you need to do is GET INPUT from them on what they would like to do. I think part of the problem with people who don’t like a “plan” is that they feel they are being told what to do. Make them part of the planning process by taking their preferences into account: “Here’s a list of stuff to do. Do you want to: 1. See it once 2. No interest in that 3. Ride that as often as possible, etc.”

Then you make a plan that suits them & their interests.

If people have varied interests, then plan to split up for some parts.
“You guys are in the Tomorrowland group, you guys are in the Adventureland group.”

Then once you’re all done, you can still do what’s advocated in this thread:

As for me & my family, a couple of no-wait trips, combined with lots of waiting in line when they did what they wanted to do convinced them to just tell me what they want to do & let me (and TP!) handle when we do it.

Go well. :slight_smile: