Disney's free gift card scam

This works.

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Ummm. He just explained why. Was that not enough for you?

Honestly, I was surprised to see this thread take off. Matt was annoyed. People disagreed with his right to be annoyed and tried to explain to him why he shouldn’t be annoyed. That annoyed him more. Then people took it to personal attacks that he “rants and raves.”

I enjoy this site as well as an escape from the daily grind, but I find that most people’s minor annoyances here are always trivial and minor. Who cares? That’s what this site is about. People can either choose to offer advice about how to deal with the annoyance, or they should move along. If they disagree with the person’s opinion, move along.

When a thread annoys me (for being overly whiny, judgmental, preachy or self-indulgent), I stop reading. It is a free country. Why would people care if he’s annoyed? Ignore the thread then. And why on earth would people care about other people’s privacy settings? It’s really what we should all be doing with all our accounts.


I am going to try to lock this thread.