Wish you would cover or at least add a chat board for the other Disney destinations. Going to Paris this summer and need a plan and advice.
I’ve been to DLP. What advice are you looking for?
Everything. LOL but seriously mostly looking for a touring plan for teens. I see there are a lot of resources out there to read and put one together but was hoping I could find one and tweak it.
Also looking for info on what are the slowest passenger-per-hour rides so I know which ones to knock out early in the day.
Are you on the Liners FB page? There are lots of experts there.
I’m not, thanks for the head’s up. I searched “Disney Liners” but am not seeing it, can you give me the name? Thanks!!
It’s Liners with a smiley face : - ) It doesn’t have the spaces but if I don’t put them in here it changes to an emoji.
Hi. I ditto this request and I don’t do Facebook so I can’t access that group. Going for DLP Half Marathon 2020 and then hopefully Christmas 2021.
Found it, Thanks!!
For those of you who haven’t seen it, I did a TR for my DLP race weekend trip last fall. I hope it will help, at least some.
You are the definition of intrepid.
I don’t have anything substantive to say. I just came to whine.
I want to go to DLP! I want to go right now!
Lets make a DLP Wanna Go Club!
This must be done.