Disney Bundle MDE password?

I had my debit card stolen once. After that I went without a debit card for 12 years. I use credit cards for everything. They only thing that comes out of my cash accounts are bills that will not take credit cards (or charge a fee for this) and my actual credit card accounts.
I do use paypal if possible for things that need a cash type account. But I have it set where you have to enter a code each time you use paypal to pay for something.


I don’t care so much about Credit Hacks and what not anymore since Experian was breached for MONTHS and they finally just went “welp…whatcanyado?”

Bish, you hold our Credit Scores (which have far more impact than they should) at your mercy and your big solution was “ah well, things happen!” WHY AREN’T YOU MORE SECURE THAN THE NSA???

but I still don’t want shared passwords among my Disney accounts.


For someone who is living on a tight budget, something like You Need a Budget would be better than exposing your debit card. You set up your regular expenses (such as rent, food, etc.) and when you make a credit card purchase the app deducts the amount from your budget. It keeps track of how much you money you have available.


I had to go through a LOT of hoops (and two layers of management) to get an ATM-only card from my bank. They kept trying to give me a debit card.