On the WDW Entertainment Page the showtimes for Devine at the AK are listed as 9 am, 9:50, 10:40, 11:30, 12:20 and 1:10. I have been working on a AK touring plan that lists the show times as 10, 10:50, 11:40, 12:30, 1:20 and 2:10. I would assume that the first set reflects the new 8 am entry time for the Animal Kingdom for Thanksgiving week (we are going on 11/24. Which would be correct and what should I use in planning our itinerary?
I would use one of the times that Disney lists & then add in a 10 to 15 minute break as a buffer in case it is the later time. It looks like there is only a 10 minute difference between most of the reported time sets.