I would really like to attend one dessert party for the fireworks during my april trip. I had originally picked HEA. Havent booked it yet. but I have heard good things about the Illuminations one also and it sound like the desserts might be better. I am just as excited about the desserts as I am the show. So my questions is what is your favorite dessert party and why?
also heard one serves alcohol?
On our last trip on October we did all three of them – the Happily Ever After, Star Wars, and Frozen Ever After (IllumiNations) dessert parties. I really enjoyed all of them – but then I have a huge sweet tooth so I am happy with most desserts. The food at each party was a little different. It seems like the SW and FEA parties had a little more variety and they did both serve alcoholic beverages too. The alcoholic beverages are included in the price, but we always made sure to tip the bartender.
The SW party itself is indoors where you stand at a tall table, then they take you outside to the viewing area where you stand some more.
FEA is outside, and you enjoy your desserts and view the show from your seats.
Both the HEA parties are in a covered location. The one at the Tomorrowland Terrace allows you to view the fireworks from the seating area. For the Plaza Garden option, they take you to a reserved spot out in a more central location. (That is, if the PG option hasn’t changed since we did it in 2016.) The covered area worked out well this time because it was raining. As you know, at MK it can be fairly difficult to get a decent spot without camping out for hours, and when you do get a good spot, there isn’t much room to move.
With FEA you get to ride FEA afterward, which is a nice perk if you weren’t able to do it earlier.
If I had to choose, though, I would say that my favorite was the SWDP – other than having to stand the entire time.
I hope this helps.
It helps alot ! I honestly like the idea of sitting for illuminations…DS8 will be tired by the end of the day. I also have heard how incredibly hard it is to stake out a spot for HEA… I think I will make my decision based on these two factors. Thanks again for the input!
I think it depends on what your priorities are. My personal favorite was the HEA garden view because my family loved HEA and with two littles and three elders, staking out a spot for hours in advance was not really an option. (For Illuminations, you could get a good view from so many spots without a dessert party or much wait).
But the desserts and drinks for Star Wars/ the Frozen party are better.
Here is a quick outline of my opinions, in case it helps:
(1) HEA - best for view advantage (garden view) (and also the cheapest I think)
(2) Star Wars - best desserts/drinks
(3) FEA - best for seating advantage/extra ride of FEA
I went to all three dessert parties, too, and I think other posters have summed them up very well.
I enjoy desserts as much as the next person, but I wouldn’t say that this was my motivation for going, and nothing on offer was particularly exciting. I went for the view. I’m not a big drinker of alcohol, and I didn’t find anything on offer to my taste. I found the “cocktails” far too strong and lacking in flavour.
The plaza gardens HEA is almost a no-brainer, if you have the money. It’s the cheapest, and HEA is the best night-time show. Getting a guaranteed great view was definitely worth the money for me.
I enjoyed the Star Wars party the least. The interactions with the stormtroopers is fun, though their vocabulary turns out to be somewhat limited and the novelty wears off. I think the food offering was probably the best of the three. I wasn’t a huge fan of the show afterwards, and I had no need of the gift bag, which I gave to a random child.
The IllumiNations party had a great position and view, and the ride on FEA made it even better value. (I was surprised by how much I enjoyed FEA.) The show is good, too.
Thank you. Sounds like I might stick with the original plan for HEA, seeings how it will be the hardest one to view without the package. then later if I want to splurge on another I think second choice will be illuminations.
We went to HEA dessert party and Star Wars. I loved both dessert parties. If DS8 is a huge Star Wars fan then maybe consider that one, but if I had to pick one it would be HEA for all of the reasons stated above. I didn’t consider Illuminations because it seems as if viewing wouldn’t be an issue and we are a family of avid Star Wars fans!
Ok I did book the HEA! very excited. It sounds like this is the one that is most needed.