Deal. Breaker. Enough. It’s too much now

We’re ten plans ahead of you, though. We know what you will end up doing, even if you don’t know it yet yourself. You’re THAT predictable! :wink:


What if they open a Starbucks?

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They have opened a temporary one. It’s between WS and FW, so I could stop off on the way round WS.

So much! This is actually my biggest pet peeve with UOR, it always makes me cringe.

Maybe it’s an air re-circulation question?

What if the scents weren’t vented out but re-circulated.

OMG are we smelling second-hand smells?!?
(or is that second-nosed?)

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I shouldn’t really divulge this, but those smells are natural body odors of cast members who were specifically hired for their smell.


I would think it’s the blowing of air into people’s faces. I don’t think I would feel comfortable and would probably avoid rides that did.

I’ll just plan to put a dab of Seventh Generation Summer Orchard dish soap on my mask and sniff away. :nose::joy:

Oh I’ve just realised what @sanstitre_has_left_the_building meant. I haven’t done RotR.

Have you been anywhere with “smells” in a mask? I’m sensitive and have to use fragrance-free products. I was surprised to realize that going into stores with lots of scents (such as Walgreens) or the laundry or bath soap aisles of the grocery store is a killer for me. The scents get trapped inside my mask and don’t dissipate. Maybe WDW doesn’t want folks taking off their masks to get rid of the smells?

Now you know how it ends :yum:

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That was the first thing that came to my mind when I read this.

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Hopefully not too much of a spoiler!


I am still pondering this. Never been on RotR, but done many UOR rides. :thinking:

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How does Forbidden Journey end? Well ROTR ends in the same way. You’re thinking, “Well that’s nice, but I didn’t actually do anything.”


Spoilers for the endings of FJ and RotR

I think I cringed more at RotR, because you even fail to join the Resistence! “Congratulations, you were captured, saved, and didn’t even manage to go anywhere”. But at FJ I don’t even know what I was supposed to accomplish :yum:


I don’t want to come across as creepy (has that ship already sailed?) but I was ready to give this guy all the Resistance secrets I knew.



I kept wanting to shout the location of the resistance base to see how CMs would react, but I was too shy


With me with my head between my knees trying not to puke and very nearly failing miserably.


With a “y”.

ROTR doesn’t. It ends with an R. And if you spell it out, it ends with an “e”. So, clearly they do not end the same way.