We are officially on the books for a Q1 2021 trip. Thanks to @OBNurseNH for being such a great TA and friend.
Now, I’m trying to NOT plan anything (at least not yet), but I would like to know how DAS is being done without the FP system in place. If anyone has actual experience with it, please describe here or PM me.
I’ve been out of the loop for quite a while now, so I apologize if this was already discussed at some point.
Thank YOU!!
The pleasure is entirely mine!
I haven’t been but is is being used. You get a return time as normal, based on the posted wait time, and then use the FP line to enter.
Based on what I have read the return is probably even easier now because very few “others” are using the FastPass+ lanes.
I’m also interested if DAS + RS is possible. DS4’s favorite ride was SDD, and we were able to ride it back-to-back (once with me, once with DW) last year. I’m guessing that will not happen this time.
Both seem to be operating exactly as they did before!
Yes, they are utilizing DAS in the parks. It’s one of a few reasons they now use the FP queue.
When you first arrive into the parks, you’ll need to speak to a guest relations or a guest experience CM who will set it up for you.
I believe they are also using FP queues for rider swap, but I don’t know firsthand. (Haven’t ever used RS!)
Hope that helps.
I can report back on it in a couple of months. We’ll be there using both DAS and a wheelchair from 11/28-12/5.
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DAS works just like it did before covid
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