Customised plan wont allow for 8am EMH

as Title, no matter what I cant get first ride before 9!

any ideas.

e-mail, describing the problem and giving the plan URL. They should be able to sort things out pretty quickly.

Hi. The problem is none of those rides are open during morning EMH at MK. For EMH, only Tomorrowland and Fantasyland are open.

really… how did i miss that! thanks

iasw is a mEMH attraction, so it should be there. Also, I’m surprised that the Optimizer didn’t put Buzz or 7DMT there despite having the afternoon FPPs.

I am thinking @stustaff was evaluating, not optimizing? The plan has been changed but pretty sure the first hour was BTMR, Splash, Jungle Cruise, and Pirates.

I did Not know that!!! I literally had frontier and Adventure planned for an EMH day. Wow, that would have been a waste of getting up early! thank you!!!

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