Crystal Palace to Tomorrowland during fireworks

What route would pose the least congestion from Crystal Palace to Tomorrowland, around or during fireworks time? We’ve got an 8pm ADR at CP and will have already watched the fireworks this trip, so we just want to get to Tomorrowland in the last hour or so before park close (11). Thanks!

They should have a walkway roped off somewhere around the hub to get you across.

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I think your best bet is to go right around the park!

It’s either that or you have to fight your way through the crowds …

I guess it depends on what time you’re finished (9:30/10:00 ?) and, probably more importantly, what time the fireworks are.


They do a good job of keeping a walk way open before and during the fireworks. I went from Casey’s to the Dessert Party Viewing area (don’t ask…cranky kids) and while it was congested, I was able to make it through with no issues about 20 minutes before the fireworks.

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