Coronavirus Outbreak: Part 3

Paul, it’s too bad that your employer doesn’t value you more, b/c you come across as a well-spoken, intelligent, decent person. Your ability to civilly disagree is the reason I entered this thread. I trust you to do the right thing on this. :slight_smile:


CO2 monitoring update:
<500 ~ outdoors, <1000 good, 1000-2000 stale, >2000 bad.

House of worship, 4000sq.ft., 30’ ceiling, ~100 people. 45 minute service, no singing.
on entering: 680
at end of service: 725
Commentary: Better than expected considering the number of people they had.

PATH subway to Hoboken from NYC, uncrowded station: 600
on boarding uncrowded train: 800
getting off: 1100
Commentary: Not as good as NYC subway even though I was standing right below an air vent on the PATH. @4ljs since you asked about PATH before.

NJ Transit single-level train from Hoboken, uncrowded station: 500
on boarding: 625
getting off: 700 (train was half full by then)
Commentary: NJ Transit single-level train cars generally have good ventilation. Bilevel trains aren’t as good.


Dr. Osterholm has been speaking on monkeypox lately; was it him?

Anecdotally on home rapid tests, we just had 2 cases go through our home. Both went from no symptoms one day to multiple symptoms the next day, tested positive immediately. And both proceeded to test positive on days 5 and 7 as well. Negative on day 10. Edit to add these were all using the govt tests sent through USPS.


I had several good opportunities to use my monitor today. And…I succeeded it remembering to do so a couple of times… :persevere::joy:

Waiting room at oral surgeon (DS18 wisdom teeth removal). Maybe 15x20 room? When we entered, 3 people were already there. Reading 588. With 5 of us, quickly increased to 622 and stayed there. One person left and it dropped to 604. Two left and first one returned 589. Then she left so it was just DS18 and I and it dropped to 532. Not a huge variance, but I thought it was interesting that even a person or two could impact the numbers.

I really wanted to take a reading during the parent orientation at the DS12s’ junior high tonight and forgot until the main session was over. :confounded: It was a 30 min meeting in the very large high ceiling cafeteria. Several hundred people, probably 1/3 of the normal lunch time capacity. 15 min afterwards with about 25% of the crowd still milling around it was 806. Sigh. I carried that thing in my purse all day so I wouldn’t forget and leave it at home!


@DWJoe & @amvanhoose_701479 can you remind me what kind of portable monitors you are using, please?

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I find this testing question interesting because I feel like it’s created a bit of a puzzle.

My sister and her family all had covid last month. Despite lots of regular antigen testing her oldest son never tested positive (no
Symptoms at any point) until he went for a PCR test.

Also interestingly, DS and I both had mild covid symptoms following a less than 10 minute bus ride (fireworks, pre covid the bus windows had been open but this time they weren’t. Go figure.) DS claimed a headache and took some long, unusual naps for him, but tested negative in the days following. I had a headache that had a distinct “covid headache” feeling that lasted 14 days. I also never had an antigen test come back positive, but I did not take any after day 7. No one else in our family developed any symptoms. We’d been extra cautious ahead of visiting my elderly aunt and uncle, so should I just keep reminding myself that there are things that aren’t covid? Probably should have taken a PCR but 8 days in feels like an awkward time to go back and do that when no one else has symptoms no and day 8 is already to “wear a mask and leave the house” phase of concern.

We were just extra cautious while we had those symptoms. It was really weird.

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I believe that’s the same one @DWJoe has.


It’s possible his viral load never got high enough for an antigen test to detect, I suppose? Hmmm…with no symptoms no way to know order of infection to know if he infected anyone else, I guess?

Or I guess another possibility is that he was infected ahead of everyone else so already past the height of his viral load when they started giving him antigen tests (and likely no longer infectious) since PCRs can register positive at least for a couple of weeks after the infection? (That’s sort of what happened with DS18 here in Jan 2021. His symptoms were so mild he didn’t even tell us until DH showed symptoms the next week and he was already negative on a PCR even at that point. He had had a brief known exposure and tested positive for antibodies a few weeks later so we are certain he was our index case of 4 household positives.)

We just had a cold sweep through the house, including sore throats. 4/5 infected, 14 negative antigen tests between the 4 of us. Fairly certain it was just a cold.

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Yes, I have the same co2 monitor. @vcka Triplett GSM400. You can find it from reputable online sellers for about $270. I got mine from, Amazon also sells it.

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Currently $199 on Amazon, looks like.


Thank you both! I thought about this again bc someone was tweeting their co2 monitor screen while at the airport. The model they showed is a lot cheaper than yours. I’ll have to check reviews too.

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The “he had it first” crossed my mind. Convenient for them because their school still has a 90 day policy if you have proof of a positive test.

I think the thing that worried me most was the headache I had that lasted two weeks. I don’t even know what else that could be, though it did improve after the first 4-5 days. If it hadn’t continued to improve I would have gone to an ent to see if it was a sinus infection but it lacked the symptoms that generally would confirm that. My covid vaccines and the two times I had covid I had a very specific painful point above my right ear - and that pain just automatically now makes me think “this is covid.”

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I think you likely can get an adequate one cheaper. The family owed me a birthday gift, so I just rolled with the recommendation I had at hand. :sweat_smile:


Post-viral syndrome (which can include a variety of headache issues) is very much a thing with many viruses, not just Covid. It just seems to be much more common with Covid (plus the massive volume of Covid cases makes it a lot more obvious). Some post-viral syndrome cases resolve spontaneously after short or long periods of time, some never do.

And subsequent different infections can reactivate symptoms. I guess your immune system going “Oh, are we doing this again?!?”

“if you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve never spent the night with a mosquito”

Masks work after vaccination to keep you from getting covid

buzzzzz buzzzzz buzzzzz



And. For fun. Today at first aid training we talked not at all about covid but did have a slide on monkeypox.

It’s good times.


Using “good” in the loosest possible sense of the word… :crazy_face:

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Well, clearly.

But at this point we are laughing instead of crying right?


Hysterically laughing. Absolutely. :upside_down_face:

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