Coronavirus Outbreak: Part 3

Are people trusting and liking Vida masks? We’ve had them for DD9 for awhile but then I went to order more for adults and then found out some customers were unhappy at receiving different masks when they ordered the same product. But, I went ahead and placed an order with them for some KN95s for adults b/c I believed they would come in faster than others. I too placed a Bona Fide order a few days ago and the timing is to ship around the end of January.

So its been a consistent week or two since we’ve had people at work getting covid and being out. They’re starting to make their way back to work and its interesting to see such vast array of symptoms each had.
among those i’ve heard
loss of taste/smell
chest tightness
body aches
runny nose
stuffy nose
scratchy throat
night sweats
So… basically anything and everything!!!


Yeah, see, that’s one of those I feel like I’m missing a lot of the med humor. :laughing:

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Cardiologists love to diurese (basically have them pee out fluid) patients until they are dehydrated because it helps their heart.

Of course when they are overzealous it causes acute kidney injury, so the nephrologists get mad.

They will often write orders that cancel the other person’s out.

I once had a cardiologist tell me that a patient didn’t need their kidneys if their heart wasn’t working :grimacing:


There was a discussion up thread that basically sounded like sometimes the masks come from a different facility with different certifications. I’m not too concerned.



Highlights of YLE update from yesterday:

There are anecdotal reports coming out of South Africa of Omicron re-infections. (People that are now on their second round of Omicron.). Nothing I’ve seen is official, so I wouldn’t call it a certain possibility yet.

But since so many people here have had Omicron (presumably) in the last 2 months, I wanted to mention it so no one is assuming they’ve had it and are now “safe”.

Hopefully it’s just either testing confusion or truly rare events being highlighted. But from a personal risk standpoint, just be aware.


hahahah that is absolutely something DH would say. when he had appendicitis over Xmas break, i had to basically trick him into getting him to go to the ED. Anything other than a widowmaker can be cured with ibuprofen and not being a whiny baby LOL… turns out he needed emergency surgery. So.


omg no bueno on omicron reinfections. that would just make me outrageously depressed.

DS8 showing symptoms now. Just a matter of time for DD3, unless she gave it to us and was asymptomatic.


I don’t remember if I posted this info here or in another thread, but a few weeks ago I created a simple Google Sheet that pulled in the COVID test stock status over at Sam’s Club.

Then I set up a script to check every 30 minutes for a change in status and send me an email when it happened. It finally happened!

So, if anyone is looking for COVID tests, Sam’s still has them at the old $14 price (Walmart upped theirs for $19.88).

Other tidbit: I just learned that Sam’s appears to have a limit on how many you can order. We have ordered a total of 6 kits since December and now it is telling me I have reached my maximum.

Not sure if that limit is forever or within a certain time frame.

If any Sam’s members need to order:


I’m not sure where I came across this - it may have been upthread - but I’ve found to be useful. It doesn’t have an email alert function, unfortunately, but at least it’s easier than checking sites by hand. When I’m looking for a test I set it up the way I want it, leave it open in a tab on my browser, and check it sporadically throughout the day.



This site is useful too: COVID Tests In Stock Tracker -

My checker was me just playing around with a proof of concept idea, those other sites are likely much more useful. :slight_smile:

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…AND… OUT OF STOCK AGAIN. :roll_eyes:


Apparently the federal free COVID ordering page rolled out a day early… you can order a set of 4 free tests here (one set per address):


Thanks!! Order successfully placed.Says they will start shipping late January.

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Wahoo, ordered thanks @JJT! Ordered and sent to family and friends!


yesterday i played the refresh game on for a half hour. got them in my cart to check out several times but took a while to actually keep them in stock long enough to go through. felt like i was trying to get a wdw dining reservation or something :joy:


ooh thanks! Just input info for the parents, grandparents and transplant recipient uncle!


Thanks much–shared with our 20s!


Thank you!! Just ordered ours and shared with family.