Coronavirus Outbreak: Part 3

In case I need to clarify since it was said in response to me, I agree 100%. Not a fan of Long Island Iced Pee, and would hope that no one is.


I didn’t mean “you” specifically :wink: I meant the general “you”

Glad to hear you aren’t ingesting your own fluids LOL


When people would cross the border from Mexico into Arizona (not through a legal border crossing), they would often discover they did not have enough water and the desert is brutal. Some would only survive by drinking their own urine. So in that situation, I would probably do it too, but that’s the only one!


I was terrified. Ha ha



So, I was curious who “Chise” is exactly…

Bio on Twitter is a bit vague, no :white_check_mark: verified mark.

But a lot of really solid people follow her. And tag her for her take on various things, very much giving credence to her opinion. (I’ve been following her for awhile.)

Intriguing backstory…and even a Disney tie-in…

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Super interesting tweet thread out of San Francisco.

TL;DR 1/3 hospitalized “with Covid”, 2/3 “for Covid”. 5-10% of Americans likely have an active infection right now.

Background SF vax data:

Here are the bookend tweets and a chart from the middle. Whole thread worth a read though.


From our kids’ school:

“Today we received confirmation that ten students and two adults have tested positive for COVID-19.”

We have only ever had max 2 people test positive on a single day that I can remember. :grimacing::flushed: And most people are probably not testing or fully reporting.


Linda Bauld is in that article. Is she someone you guys know of across the pond? She’s always on the radio here. She seems sensible.

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We had 37 cases yesterday in our district. That was not including the weekend numbers. I believe that may be the highest we have had yet. Today it is 20 cases. Our school district is about 1100ish students I believe. Numbers have been high since they went back to school.


No, I wasn’t familiar with her. Added. (I see she’s followed by Christina Pagel, among others, that I’ve been following. And Pagel doesn’t follow a whole lot of people, which is often meaningful. SAGE also follows her.)

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Linda Bauld and Jason Leitch are the public health consultants that are often on Radio Scotland. Leitch is our clinical director.
They’re both straight talking kind of people :+1:t2:

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I don’t get it. I waited day after day for the military base to offer the Pfizer booster for my 2 sons who are ages 12 - 15, b/c it’s just easier to go there and not have to go transfer the info into their medical records. In the meantime places like pharmacies and even grocery stores started advertising that they’d give this booster. Today they put a banner up on the website to our closest base saying that they aren’t going to offer the boosters for kids as young as 12. No explanation. And they have tons of availability, all the time. I just don’t get it, but I’ve made appts at a pharmacy now. It kind of worries me b/c it makes me wonder if I should. But the older child just had to return to in person school despite our huge covid #s in the area so we’d like for them to have the booster. Also, I have no idea what to do about DD10 going to tap class. She’s the only one there who wears a mask during the class. I thought I could finally feel good about taking this risk now that she has the vaccine but I did hold her out of class yesterday. Sigh.


What are you wondering about? Just curious.

Like them not offering it is an non-endorsement?

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My DS12 grade (32) has 3 confirmed cases since Friday. At least 3 others where out today. He just needs to stay healthy until his booster Friday.


Yeah, we have some of those situations and it’s a struggle. I think there’s a decent chance my kids will pick it up at school, so we’re trying to minimize places we could spread it to.

It’s not something to be nonchalant about getting (mostly due to long covid, including possibility of cumulative detrimental effects), but I’m more worried about contributing to spread.

In the fall until mid-December, our church had a mask-required group for the DS12s (about 8-12 kids attending) as an alternative to the mask-optional one. (I think everything else our church is doing is mask-optional besides online services.). They merged them into one mask-optional group yesterday. We’re sitting it out until things get better. My napkin says best case scenario to get back to “moderate” (yellow below) is probably mid-March. That’s a long time. Again.

This level of adulting is exhausting.

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Got a follow-up email that one of the individuals is in DD7’s class.

Then another follow-up email that the person is on DD7’s bus.

Expecting another email saying the person is DD7.



Yes, it does seem like a non endorsement. But, I suspect it’s more about not having enough personnel, or not having enough supply etc. They just didn’t say.

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Yeah, I wouldn’t read too much into it. If you’re concerned, I’d call your pediatrician. I’m sure they’d be open to questions.

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I agree about the level of adulting. I feel like there is so much chaos inside my head! Normally I’m a sort of high strung, and yet very level headed person. I tend to do my own thing and feel confident about it. Once I make my list for the day I’m good. Lately it seems like stuff is just all over the place. They just sent my DS15 back to school today and I totally had thought that was not going to happen. We just found out Mon night that he was actually going back. The school pcr tested everyone and now they’re doing that every week. The other kids, different school, get covid tested on Fri and then we’ll see if they end up sending them back in person next Tues as planned. I just never know day by day what to plan for that it’s exhausting. Several important tests etc have been rescheduled so many times and we already had one child do poorly on one that they were surprised by. If it had happened the two times it was originally scheduled we knew to have him study for it. Child is not old enough to be 100% on top of all this stuff all the time yet.