Coronavirus Outbreak: Part 2

I don’t think they should need to show picture ID either. But as far as the insurance info, they do bill your insurance for the vaccine, so that information is important. Showing your insurance is pretty standard for a healthcare appointment and I have to show it when I get a flu shot as well.

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DH showed me that last night.
I can’t even. :zipper_mouth_face:

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Online you can put in 11111 as your insurance number but people would need help to know that.

Undocumented families do not usually have any medical insurance or picture IDs. In my state they would not have insurance or an ID (they possibly could have a passport). It might be different in other states.

Additionally, these families will need to know it is safe for them to go and get the vaccine . This might not apply to all communities but we need these supports for these families if we hope to meet vaccination goals.


I understand not everyone has insurance. In that situation, they could handle it like they do in the ER, where a lot of people without insurance go for medical care. But I don’t think they are going to stop asking for that information. I think having advocates for a lot of people that are difficult to reach would be a good thing. And like I said, I don’t think an ID is necessary either.

If you register through our state, or CVS it does tell you that you need an ID. CVS did not ask for an ID or insurance cards (told to bring both).

It probably hasn’t been updated. At one point, they did need ID so they were vaccinating the correct group of people.

But, where I got vaccinated 2 weeks ago, I did have to provide my insurance info online and I had to show an ID at the site.

I guess it depends on where you are getting your shot. Pic ID is req. here in FL to show residency since we had so many out of state and ppl from other countries coming here to get vaccinated, but the FEMA sites don’t have any insurance paper work required. Maybe DeSantis could open it up again to anyone since there are soooo many coming here on vacation? “Come to Disney and get your vaccination too!” They could do it at the airport, they already have a place on WDW for shots and C-19 tests. Although, I think the vaccination site is being shut down and it was for CMs only.

I agree w/ another’s assessment that getting appointment is a hassle so many ppl just wont’ do it


A lot of places here are doing walk ins now, so you don’t have to make an appointment. (You can if you want to). My guess is that they still ask for ID and insurance, but they don’t have to go through the hassle of scheduling an appointment.

Maybe getting rid of this will help w/ some that didn’t want to have to have 5 devices up to try and snag an appointment, but I don’t know how many ppl that is, but some will get us closer. College campus could step up but fall term is too far away for that to make a difference now.

Honestly, getting an appointment is easy now as well. There are plenty of appointments available.

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Yeah, the need to show proof of vaccination at some point in the future in various scenarios is likely why they want some kind of ID. But they’re going to need to get over that and people will need to deal with that in the future.


I think they ask you to bring insurance and ID in case there are problems processing your insurance info. When I went to my first appointment, the woman checking people in said there was a problem processing my insurance and asked me to go back to the pharmacy. There, they took my insurance card and tried to fix things on their computer. When that didn’t work, they took my id and did some more fiddling. Eventually they must have fixed things, because they gave me the cards back and told me I could go get the shot.

It’s really weird, because I get prescriptions filled at CVS every month. My info should be in their system already. :woman_shrugging:

On top of that, in the “for your records” confirmation email that I got my address was incorrectly listed as “MANHATTAN BEACH, CA” and the wrong location was listed for my upcoming shot #2. This despite the fact that they had my id with my correct address on it. No idea where they got Manhattan Beach from; I’ve never even visited there.

(Edited because I really do know the difference between there and their. :blush:)


I never received the “for your records” email. It seemed to only go to about half of the people I know.

There is a percentage of the US population that cannot provide insurance and/or ID. Until we address that barrier we will be fighting covid- my personal opinion.


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DeSantis suspends all local COVID emergency orders

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he was suspending all local COVID-19 emergency orders with executive order today.
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I think once kids start getting vaccinated, more undocumented families will start getting the vaccine. Some of them have children who are US citizens that do have state insurance and it would be prudent to offer the parent and other children the vaccine at the same time. If schools end up mandating the vaccine, again, you may have undocumented parents bringing in their children. Our local food bank is offering vaccines today, sponsored by one of the regional health systems and a health insurance company. Some of those who are uninsured or undocumented will have access there. I don’t think these people are going to go through pharmacies or large vaccine facilities. I think the hospital systems connecting with social service agencies, homeless shelters, food banks, etc are how they are going to have to reach people who are more difficult to reach.


My husband and I were vaxed at two different CVS locations. Our local pharmacy was not an option as they were not set up as one of the vaccination clinics. The first was 1.5 hours away and the second was about 45 minutes away.

The first one asked him for his insurance card but not me. Apparently they cross-referenced our names & birth dates in their system. Mine matched to my records and his did not. He was asked to go back and speak w/ the pharmacy and they updated some things in the computer.

Both of us were asked for our email address just before we were vaxed. I received an email w/ the full information about the shot, he did not. Thinking this was important, I spent some time on the phone w/ CVS the following day and they could not retroactively send him the email, but did say that our vaccination was part of our “pharmacy records” and we could go to our local pharmacy for a print out.

Our second vax, at a different CVS location, was a completely different experience. Apparently they didn’t receive the doses that they expected and closed the vax clinic for the day…but the system never sent us any notification. The pharmacist was really great and since she had a few doses on hand was still able to give us our vaccines (she was very frustrated w/ the system mentioning that we were not the first that came in that day, nor would we be the last). She did not ask our email addresses, and we did not receive a follow up email confirmation.

Our daughter was vaxed at yet a third CVS location and she didn’t receive any email confirmations either.

We have our cards, which I have scanned, …but I think I may stop by our local CVS and get the confirmation print outs for all three of us so we can have them on hand.

Now we just have to wait for the 12-15yos to be added to the Pfizer EUA and we can have all four of us vaxed!


A bit of a headline grab? I’m not sure this is really a new line of thinking?

“Instead, they are coming to the conclusion that rather than making a long-promised exit, the virus will most likely become a manageable threat that will continue to circulate in the United States for years to come, still causing hospitalizations and deaths but in much smaller numbers.”

I think this became pretty clear once early containment attempts failed.


I’ve thought all along that it would become more like the flu. The headline does grab your attention, as there are still people out there that think herd immunity is the answer. I just thought the article gave more up-to-date reasons and gave a good explanation of how every town, state, and country can effect each other.