Coronavirus Outbreak: Part 2

I hope they feel better soon and the doctor is right.


I hope your child recovers soon and that what they diagnosed is what he/she has. A friend of mine was really sick and the dr kept testing her for COVID and it kept coming up negative, but dr was insistent thatā€™s what it was. She continued getting progressively sicker for 3 weeks before they tested her and got a positive result for strep.

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I didnā€™t feel well for a week (ish) after my first Pfizer. Sore arm was gone in 24 hours but by day 3 I felt awful. Cold chills (no fever), muscle aches, fatigue and weirdly, crazy heartburn. I woke up one day and it was all better. We had suspected that I had Covid early on but was not tested. So although anecdotal, that may be why. DH had the sore arm and some mild aches. My second dose is Saturday and Iā€™m wondering/worrying if it will be better? worse? same? DH is wondering if it will hit him harder this time. We shall see.

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Sick kids are so hard. Hang in there.


Ack. You guys are all scaring me. DH is off to get his vaccine right this instant. And we leave for Disney this evening. Iā€™m going to be so sad for him if he has a bad reaction.


Really bad reactions are rare! It seems lingering minor aches and pains are more common but if he has those you can just take it easy and be grateful that Disney right now is a different animal too aka more laid back and relaxed.


It will all be fine!


Heā€™s home. Got Moderna, which Iā€™m a little surprised about. I think most folks in our county have been getting Pfizer. We can definitely deal with a slow day, if necessary. Iā€™m mostly worried about a fever where he wouldnā€™t be able to get on the plane with us. That would suck.

I think all of my covid-anxiety is just coming to a head right now. Realistically, Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be fine. Thanks for the reassurances!


My DH was basically fine with the first and would have been good to go on a trip that day. Iā€™m just always the odd one. :laughing:

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Of course the airline people canā€™t assume this, but if he is running a fever youā€™d be almost certain he isnā€™t contagious, itā€™s the vaccine. So taking some fever reducer an hour before you get to the airport might be prudent. Iā€™m guessing heā€™ll be ok today, itā€™s how he wakes up tomorrow. And he will likely be fine! Maybe have arrangements for his favorite ā€œfeeling under the weather comfort foodsā€ just in case. (For my DH, thatā€™s Gatorade and club crackers.)


I am such a rule follower, and but was going to suggest the same thing. You know itā€™s from the vaccine, so just take a fever reducer an hour before.

Have a great trip, yay!

This was supposed to be for @emcglone. Also, everyone I know who has taken Moderna, has not had reactions besides sore arm after first shot.


If he does take pain relief make sure itā€™s tylenol/acetaminophen and not an NSAID as it effects your system differently and wonā€™t possibly interfere with the effectiveness of the vaccine.

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Have a great trip! Hope DH is feeling well. Does your airport / airline actually check temperatures? Mine didnā€™t last time I flew, but that was in May 2020, so might have changed since then.

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Thanks. Final packing, now. Heā€™s feeling great, still. Just a slightly sore arm. If I can get my act together, Iā€™ll try to post some pics. I donā€™t know that I can commit to a full trip report like other awesome liners, here.


I barely manage to post at all when Iā€™m actually there. I have to do my trip reports when I get back.


Iā€™m impressed w/ those that do post LIVEā€¦ I want to be there and not looking at my screen all the time :wink: You know mindfulness and all that sh*t :wink:


Iā€™m not committing to a live or even same-day trip report. I do want to be able to focus on enjoying my trip and being with my family! I tend to be a little consumed by my device unless I make a conscious effort to disconnect. I really want to unwind on my upcoming trip! I may do updates on my resort day ā€¦ or maybe Iā€™ll give in and do more real time updates.


Iā€™m liking the idea of just doing whatever I want in the omelet. (Ok, that auto-corrupt is to funny to fix!)

With no FP (nor FP drops to scan for) and more ā€œin lineā€ time, might have opportunities to post themā€¦weā€™ll seeā€¦


This is what Disney withdrawal has brought me toā€¦


That lives on the counter on our kitchen island (assembled, thankfully).