On top of planning for my group of 7, I’ve been helping another couple who are friends of ours plan their trip which will be at the same time as ours, but on a different park schedule. I was able to grab a CRT reservation for them late last night - it was too late for me to call her. I put her as lead guest (she is linked to me) and me as the other guest, and since I made the ADR it charged my card. I’m not worried about that because we can sort out the money. The email says the card must match a name on the reservation. When they show up to eat and the charge is on my card but I’m not there, will that be a problem? How do we fix this, if necessary?
Is this even prepaid anymore? I thought it was the exact same as BOG nowadays.
Edit: I went thru the motions and you’re right. Shucks…I am going to book this for my teenage daughter and I won’t be there. I can use her debit card I suppose.
I’d call the DINE number and ask? I think it does matter per my last conversation with them about my daughter doing dining without me.
I eat at CRT each trip. They will check the card. However, I can’t tell you what happens in your case, as I’m there. (Just wanted you to know they will verify the info)
I’m thinking we might need to have her (as the lead guest on the reservation) call and ask to have the charge changed to her card? Only other option I see is to try to cancel and have her pick it up but that is risky. Since it’s already in her name, I’m hoping they can accommodate a card change.
I don’t recall them checking my card or ID when we ate at CRT in January. I was the one who made the reservation and prepaid. Calling @Dreamer @JustKeepSmiling @Wahoohokie. How did this work for us? Did I pay for the drinks with my card since I made the reservation?
I can’t remember!
We ate at CRT in October and I definitely don’t think they checked our card. In fact our waiter joked about the benefits of not having to open our wallet.
I am pretty sure that we handed over someone’s AP (not mine) and credit card to cover the additional expense of adult beverages. I had made the initial reservation and payment, but I was not the AP holder (which brought down the entire bill) nor did I pay the extra.
Interesting. So, since the charge was adjusted for AP, did they credit you and put the reduced charge on the AP holder’s card, or just credit you the difference?
If I remember right, they just credited us the price difference on the bill for the alcohol we ordered. Then that bill was paid by @Dreamer. I think the money @Julianne_fki and I would have been credited covered our mixed drinks. @Dreamer and @JustKeepSmiling split the rest of the bill that was for their bottle of wine. Does this sound right Julianne?
Yes, that’s what I think happened too. So if they aren’t ordering alcohol, there should be no need to present the card, I would think.
No–we paid for that separately.
You’re correct.