Can we suspend all activity on the forums, please?

It is true those would be modern dinosaurs. Rather, I should have said modern dinosaurs that would have been called dragons back in the day. The creature Marco Polo describes, for example, sounds like it could be something similar to a T.Rex. And many of the ancient drawings (cave drawings, etc), look like some form of Brontosaurus, etc.

This is one of my favourite pictures on the internet. And Iā€™ve looked at a lot of pictures on the internet. A lot.


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Hmm. I didnā€™t know shepherds had animatronicsā€¦

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Here. This is PART of Marco Poloā€™s writings. This is the paragraph that sounds like a description of a serpent similar to a T-Rex:

ā€œLeaving the city of Yachi, and traveling ten days into a westerly direction, you reach the Province of Karazan which is also the name of its chief cityā€¦Here are seen huge serpents, ten paces in length, and ten spans in the girt of the body. At the fore-part, near the head, they have two short legs, having three claws like those of a tiger, with eyes larger than a fourpenny loaf and very glaring. The jaws are wide enough to swallow a man, the teeth are large and sharp, and their whole appearance is so formidable, that neither man, nor any kind of animal, can approach them without terror.ā€

He had quite the imagination.

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Well, yeah, he invented the beloved childrenā€™s swimming pool game didnā€™t he? Thatā€™s pretty creative.


And he built an airport in Venice.


In California? I didnā€™t realize they had an airport.

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Yes. He was widely travelled. He wrote about it. A bit like Gulliver.


That was entirely an accident.

See, Marco Polo had stopped, along with his entourage, at a river and they decided they needed a bath. Badly. So, some of them, including Marco Polo, stripped and went into the river.

Only, there were a bit of confusion. Because along with Marco Polo was another guy named ā€œMarco Valdez.ā€ So, while they were bathing, an emergency came up and someone on the shore ran to the river and called out, ā€œMarco!ā€ And, in order to clarify, Marco Polo called back, ā€œPolo?ā€ But Marco Valdez didnā€™t respond because he was under the water at that very minute.

It became a bit of a game, you see. One we continue to play to this very day.


Itā€™s fun to learn history.


I just had to pop in and say that this thread is absolutely brilliant! I wish I had something witty to add or some sage advice, but I do notā€¦ so Iā€™ll just say thank you for this morningā€™s laughs!


I was actually talking about the game sharks and minnows.


I saw a documentary about a shark recently. It was quite alarming.

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Well, weā€™ll have to agree to disagree there. Because learning history is so much bother. All those dates and facts to memorize. So, I prefer to just make things up when I can. Far simpler.


But you donā€™t play sharks and minnows in a swimming pool! (Well, I mean, I suppose you CAN, but when Iā€™ve seen the game played, it never involved water.)

So did i! It was a 6 part series.


Maybe not where youā€™re from

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@ryan1 has wasted all his money on children. He canā€™t afford a swimming pool.

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Wait, wait, wait. Hold up.

Real dragons and giants I can get on board with, but how in the world do you play Sharks and Minnows on land?!

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