Can Magic Bands bought for the same person using on-site discount(split-stay) be used by different people?

OK, I have on-site reservations in just my name, although all three of us will be staying there. The reason that they are in just my name, is that I’ll likely want to make another reservation later and I’ll feel better having the second set reserved in DH’s name. The reservations are split-stay. Actually, they are a whole bunch of consecutive one-night reservations at the same place because the dates are still a little fuzzy. Changing at the beginning and end is easy. Also, if dining plans come back by our trip, we’ll likely get it for part of our trip. Anyway …

If I order three magic bands for me, using the on-site reservation discount on three reservations we are pretty certain to keep, will DH and DD be able to use two of the bands? Basically when you order them with the on-site discount, does it automatically link them to the person they were ordered for?

Yes, if they are in your MDE, but you can easily reassign them to another person

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You need to assign them. Even though your name is on the reservation, wouldn’t you have DD and DH as traveling with you? If so, you can assign an MB to each. If they are all assigned to you, they wouldn’t be able to use them because it would only be your ticket on them….I don’t think you can buy three MBs through Disney if you only have one person on the reservation.


I’m confused. Are you and your husband listed as guests on the hotel reservation? Anyone listed in the room will have the option of purchasing a magic band. However, if its only you listed and you buy three magic bands only you can use them. Magic bands can’t be transferred to someone else.

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Opps… I read too fast. BUT regardless you can order the MB and reassign as necessary. They will be assigned to ppl named on the reservation.

I don’t think that is true. I have always opened up each person on the reservation and ordered their magic band that way. I have never been able to transfer.


once you have the MB you can reassign them to another person by going into MDE > profile . MB & Cards. You can activate, deactivate and assign any MB to another using the code on the back of the MB. Sorry if my directions are unclear, not sure about terminology. I’ve done it many many times though. GS showed me how to do it once.

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OK, I guess there is no reason to not add DD, since she can’t get a reservation on her own anyway.
At the moment, all the one-night reservations are in my name only. I guess I can add him to one of the reservations. Plan is that when we get closer, I’ll add them and merge the one-night reservations into groups.

I just looked. I manage two people and I can only deactivate their magic bands.

Both of these people do not have MDE accounts.

I cannot even see the MBs of the people that have MDE in my MDE account?

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From a browser I can deactivate or report as lost for the ordered MB (trip next month).

I see all the MB of my friends and family. I can deactive them. They will add a new MB to their own MDE account.

You can deactivate that but you cannot then link that MB to another person. It is not an option.




Thanks guys.
I’d felt like maybe this was a dumb question. But, since there was a discussion on it among experts, it wasn’t dumb.

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I just entered in a new MB number in MDE and once in I was shown a list of my friends/family that I can choose to assign the MB to.

Yes, new but the question is about getting a MB linked to a resort reservation and then transferring that linked MB to another person.


I can enter in any MB number and reassign it to another person.


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If you purchase a MB in store you can link to anyone; but with a reservation it’s automatically linked to the person you choose from your reservation. I too have never been able to transfer a linked MB.

I would just have all three people on the reservation and then order them when you know which reservation you are using.

Edit to add official Disney answer.


I still don’t think this is true. Once a magic band is assigned, it cannot be reassigned. I have tried, failed, gone through customer service and IT and they say it’s not allowed.

If you purchase an unassigned band through ShopDisney, you can assign it to whomever you choose. If you get one with a reservation it comes linked to whoever you bought it for. And if you bought and linked from ShopDisney, you must leave it on the first person you assigned it to.


That’s not what I was told.