BWV Refurbs

Does anyone know if ALL studios (garden/pool view) have been renovated?

I am curious if my #1 room request criteria needs to be a renovated room or if they’ve all been renovated.

I have been following the refurb and it appears that all bookable rooms have been refurbished. The only section under construction, as of the last report I read, were the rooms closest to HS. I believe most of those rooms are standard view?

So, if anything, avoid requesting Studios closest to HS?

I believe they have been working on those for a few weeks. If you are concerned about requesting a certain room, and your trip is in the next few weeks, I wouldn’t request those rooms. When those room are open to stay in, they will be completely refurbished. All rooms open to guests are refurbished.

I haven’t been following along…but we will be there in September…I am interested to see how we feel about the updates. I wonder if they will be completely done by then. I will be working during the day three of our days there, and it would be annoying to have to listen to construction.

It will definitely be done by then although there might be other construction (for example Big River Grill is still empty).

I will give an update next week.

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Is this the DVC side or the Inn? I guess I haven’t been paying attention and didn’t realize there was a refurb happening…

Yes, the Inn was refurbed first. The villas will be complete soon.

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Ok I think maybe I did see some early room pictures. I’ll have to go Google. They kept the 5th sleeper in the studios I assume? And is it the new style pull down/over sofa?

Thank you. Our BWV studio stay is late August.

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Yes, the 5th sleeper is still there. There was a shortage of Murphy beds for a while do some refurbed rooms has couches but I don’t know if that has been/will be fixed.

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Oh crazy! DS8 wouldn’t really mind a couch as long as there is the little bed for DS5. We will miss Dumbo though

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I don’t know about the last couple of weeks but up until then some guests were being moved from the villas because of delays.

It also seems that the refurb teams were going back into some of the rooms that were considered complete.

If they are going back, I believe it is to replace the couch with Murphy beds. There are also many complaints about the lack of chairs and recent reports are that responses include “we are evaluating this issue”.

I have an upcoming booking (within the week) and room request that is for the one wing that is still closed (standard view). I did not receive a call to move and the last report of that happening that I read in dvc and BWV groups was about three weeks ago.

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I just checked- construction walls after 117/118 rooms. I found reports from 2118 and 4117.

Yes this is how it was 2 weeks ago. This should do it when these are done. Only problem is you can’t walk out that end of the building to get to HS. I agree with the lack of chairs there is plenty of room, made it difficult for DW to work from the room. The coffee table rises up to make a desk and she had to sit on the couch,

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I walked the hallways this morning. That wing is now open and occupied.

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Bummer about lack of chairs. Def a miss, although it sounds like they did it at other DVC refurbs too. People are going to start buying cheap wal mart sports chairs!