Bus times from BLT/CR

What is the typical amount of time it takes on a bus from Bay Lake Tower to Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom? Any details on time of day would be appreciated! :slight_smile:

Last week AK --> BLT/CR was about 20 minutes, I think? We did it around 1:30 pm, so not exactly prime rush time.

BLT/CR --> HS was slightly less time, probably between 10 -15 minutes. We did it in the morning around 7:45 am and then that night around 9:15 pm. The nighttime ride is definitely a bit of a clown car ride, hold onto the poles!

Last week? Ugh. Monday morning, there weren’t any buses to Animal Kingdom from 8:45 until about 9:30 am. Four Epcot buses went by; three left empty. Hollywood Studios, we waited about 15-20 minutes for a bus at noon Tuesday; again, about 15 minutes for the ride. Thursday evening, again, it was about 20 minutes to wait for a bus.

My experience with the bus was to allow at least an hour to get there; 20-30 minutes for the bus and then about 15 for the ride. Monorail was usually faster to get to Epcot.

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We definitely had pretty good luck in the same week you were there. I think travelling at rush hour wound up working in our benefit - if you don’t mind being packed into the buses and not necessarily having a seat. There would be long lines for the buses back to BLT post-nighttime show, but even if we didn’t make the first one the next one wouldn’t be far behind. I don’t think we waited for a bus longer than ~10 minutes the whole week. I agree that Epcot via monorail was an easy and quick ride.