Looking at a trip in September but there’s a glitch: Friggin moonlight magic is happening on one of my days(middle of the trip of all things), and it’s causing the room to be unavailable for that 1 day.
I’ve already wait listed, but I have a feeling it won’t go through until July (if it does) when the MM ticket “goes on sale” (and ultimately is sold out).
So I have a few options:
Just stay the course and wait for the waitlist to go through.
Pros: I’d get the dates I want AND a chance at MM should it go through early. And once MM gets “sold out”, it will likely become available.
Cons: if it doesn’t go through, I have to cancel the whole thing cause I can’t afford an OOP trip. If it does take until July to get the res, I also then have to somewhat scramble for ADRs (not that I’m too worried though, as I am expecting to hit QS more than anything). -
Move the trip up by a week, to which there’s full availability.
Pros: Full availabilty, I can start planning in earnest today. Also…heh gets me to Disney a week sooner.
Cons: Possibly higher crowds by changing weeks. It’d depend greatly on how the virus impacts schools and people’s wallets overall. Weather could also be of a greater impact. No shot at Moonlight Magic (not that I really care though). Flight cost would go up by $50 (as of right now). -
Create 2 separate trips with a gap of the 1 day in the middle and wait list that particular day (and be prepared to bunk a night at Pop Century or something). And if it does go through, combine all “3 stays”.
Pros: Keeps the desired days. Able to start planning/reserving things now.
Cons: Will have to “move” twice if waitlist doesn’t go through. Almost guaranteed I won’t be able to keep the same room(which could also be a pro if the room placement sucks). Might make things confusing on the FPP/ADR side as it technically becomes “3 stays”. -
Bail on September all together and extend to December
Pros: current availability looks good (could change, but i doubt it), all the Christmas activities, better weather.
Cons: Crowds larger. cold/hot/cold days. possibly a rebounding of the coronavirus causing another closure and thus ultimately forcing to cancel.
Sitting here wondering if there’s an option I’m missing too.