I’m sure this has already been asked, I searched though & I can’t find the answer…has it been determined when we can make an ADR for Be Our Guest lunch? Is it tonight at midnight or tomorrow morning 6am ET? Thanks for any input
6am online on Wednesday 7:00am by phone
I believe it is 6am with other dining reservations.
Thank you both.
That said… I’m gonna refresh from midnight to 1am just to be sure. But I’m anal like that. Lol.
How do we make a reservation online - is it through the regular dining reservations on MDE?
Yes. Login to your MDE account and go to the dining reservations page. Click on be our guest.
25 minutes to midnight… Everyone ready? Good luck!!! Will the lunch reservations be open for evey day from here to 190 days? I’m looking for June lunch!
10 minutes and no lunch yet in June. How’s it looking on your side @DarthDopey?
Nothing yet here. 10 minutes to midnight.
one of my TA colleagues called 3 times tonight to confirm the times. 1 CM said it “could” be midnight. The others said no, it’s 6am.
Also saw this on FB:
here is what I found on The Main Street Mouse just now
UPDATE Disney has confirmed Be Our Guest lunch WILL still be a counter service option and will remain 1 QS dining credit at lunch and 1 TS dining credit at dinner. Reservations will open for 180 days out on 2/25 at 6am est online and 7am est on their phone system! Meals can be pre-ordered 30 days in advance of your reservation.
Nothing. I see pre 4pm hours only on 2 days in feb and no availability when I pick them. Nothing before 4pm for June yet!
The day starts at midnight, reservations should open then not this silly 6am time!
Agreed!! But apparently I’ll be seeing you in about 4.5 hours, because midnight didn’t bring any magic. What dates are you looking for @Sandra0528?
Don’t know if you guys have checked or are following on chat, but people are making ressies now.
I made one at approx. 1:45am, but now I can’t log into the site to follow up… anyone else having difficulties?
I haven’t been able to login on my computer, but can on iPhone app. Can you try that?
Only on phone, eh? Arrgh, can’t do that.
This is brutal, I can virtually her the ressies slipping away…
What day are you looking for?
Wait, I’m in.