Be Our Guest Availability Throttled?

Be Our Guest availability seems severely throttled. Dinner hours are only showing 3-6pm and even on +10 day booking no ressies available after 4pm for ANY number of people?

Anyone have any insights? Are they planning to make this part of some fireworks dinner package and reserving all availability?

Lunch availability seems normal as a comparison.

Pre covid the dinner hours were loaded late for a number of MK locations when Christmas party season started. Some ADRs were available during the party and those had their own booking slots.

Hmmm, late as in days late or hours late…wondering how much stalking I’ll need to be doing! Thank you!

Days late in the past. There was always a release to all the blogs announcing them as part of the extras.

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I’ll keep an eye out, thanks! My mom has two “must-dos” and this is one of them! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Set up a reservation finder so you are alerted when they are released.