Barbershop in Magic Kingdom taking reservations yet?

It looks like the Barbershop will be open when we visit September 10. My DGD, 2, will be desperately in need of a first haircut by then and I REALLY want it to happen when we are there. It is showing no availability right now, but is that because they aren’t taking reservations yet? Do I just keep checking every day?

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The barber shop just recently reopened so I would keep checking. Our son had his first hair cut there; it was magical. He’s 30 now :wink:

My 30 yo DS had his first hair cut at the barbershop in DL. I still have his ears! It’s his daughter that will be getting the haircut!

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How wonderful!

I believe Len already has a reservation for August 4th, so my impression is they are open for reservations.

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Yep looks like they are all booked up- hopefully it’s just a glitch, but I’m sure it’s a hot reservation right now.