We don’t get into MCO to 7:20pm so we probably won’t get to Port Orleans riverside resort until 8:30pm. On average, how long does it takes to get your luggage if you are checking in in the evening? I am packing a backpack with clothes/toiletries just in case of delay.
It could be the next morning or late that night. I would get my own bags.
Yep, it will be after midnight or the next morning. I suggest that you do not use the DME tags, and grab your check bags yourself.
Our first trip staying in the bubble we had a similar schedule at Riverside, maybe arriving an hour prior to yours. After a busy and disappointing meal at Boatwright’s we just wanted to go to bed but had to wait up for our luggage which was annoying. The advice to grab the bags yourselves is likely on target with your arrival plan and will make for a better experience overall…
Earliest you might get it is 11:30 but prob later.
When you say “grab your own bags”…do I not use the ME luggage tags and just pick up my own bags from MCO baggage claim? Then go to Magic Express… will the driver put my bags below the bus I am taking? Just want to clarify.
Yes, the driver will put your luggage in the luggage space.
Ok thanks!
I would get my own instead of having them pick it up, but two weeks ago I checked the bags with the yellow tags because we were supposed to be flying in for 4:20pm. After the delay, we landed at around 8pm. Bags were delivered to the room around 11:00pm. But I don’t think that is typical. We did talk to the bell services guys when they delivered our Garden Grocer order and they said they would keep an eye out for them.