August 2017 Memory Maker Share?

Would anyone be interested in a Memory Maker share group for August, or is there currently a share group I could join? Thank you

I am! Only going to be there for 3 days aug 19-aug 22, just taking a quick trip before we move our daughter into college!!! Is there a share open??

We have a group of two families if you’d be interested in joining. Four is the most we will do as anymore there are usually too many pics to sort through.

I am happy you have room for cthomas444420 because we are full. When I didn’t get any responses, I posted on another forum and our share group filled right away. We do not have room for anymore. Enjoy your vacation!

I am sorry but my share group is now full. When I didn’t receive any responses in the first 2 days of posting, I posted on another forum and it filled right away. I forgot to take down my post. But jmicell123 has room in their share group.

Do you have room for one more? We are going Aug 18 thru 22nd.

We have a share group open. Please confirm you’d like to join.

Yes, we do. Please let me know if you’d like to join.

Yes please! I would love to

We have room in ours. Please let me know if you’d like to join.

Sounds good. Still looking for one or possibly two more and then we will finalize.

That is great! I would love to do a share.

I am interested in a Memory Maker share. Do you have room for one more?

Yes, last spot if you want it! If the three of you (agunter, c1701h, and cthomas44420) send me your emails or message me in the facebook group we can finalize the details. Thanks!

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How much is it?

Which facebook group?

August 2017 Liners is the name of the facebook group.

Do you have room for one more? I still have families contacting me to join an August Share.

We’re travelling from the UK and our tickets include Memory Maker (it seems to be compulsory for UK tickets).

I’d be happy to form an August share group if someone can explain what I need to do to make it work for everyone.

We’ll be there 24-29th August.

I’m assuming this group is all full. If not, or if there’s interest in a second group, please let me know! Thanks!