Aug 8 honorary @Steve1 countdown thread

Good morning everyone!!’ Happy Friday to all, happy birthday to DD (21), happy birthday to DH, and happy 126 days or 18 weeks on our countdown!!!

12 days! 8.5 work days!

Got all my Amazon goodies yesterday - I love Prime. Ordered a cake - please reply to this thread if you have any reviews of these cakes:

Everyone on our trip will be celebrating our anniversaries - 39 for my in laws, 10 for DH and I. It will be a surprise for everyone (except me, lol.)

I also booked a reservation for the Behind the Seeds Tour for my DH and I. Nice 15% discount with the Disney Visa. Granted it’s a bargain basement tour price, but still.

Good morning, all. 15 to go

Good Morning, Liners !! Around the (Disney)world in 80 days !! Woot woot !! Seriously excited about our 2nd family trip to AoA in 80 short days. Have a good one ! :wink:

Hi everyone - 97 days here! Enjoy your Friday!

Cool! Thanks, @TashToo. They show that on our sports channels sometimes, but I hadn’t heard the slang term. Learn something new every day on Lines!

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I just shaved 6 hours off my countdown by changing flights. :slight_smile:


Headed back to NY tomorrow then 35 days till BWV. This means I have 35 days to book another trip. I refuse to not have a countdown. I literally could stop breathing if this happens

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Did you get a late appt? That’s a big score! :smile:

I got a 4:10 appt! Now I don’t have to worry about bringing costumes with us.

Awesome! That’s what we did last year - the 3 kids and I. It was a lot of fun.

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