My family will be arriving at MCO around 7:30am on our arrival day. We are staying at POR and are taking ME. We are planning currently on going to HS on arrival after dropping our stuff at POR.
What is the earliest time you would suggest for -
DH, I think, has official dropped out of the planning process because when I asked him the other night if he finished looking at restaurants he responded “I’ll try and get to it but if I don’t, pick whatever”
ADR day is in a week and I am trying to figure it all out.
Also if a restaurants hours are say 8-10:30 (throwing out random times) is the last ADR 10:30 or is it earlier?
I think that if I had an ADR on arrival day, I’d learn how to bump-and-run. Not that an ADR is a bad idea (I think it’s a great idea), just that travel snafus do happen, and you don’t want a big fee adding insult to injury if you miss the reservation.
I kept hearing the term Bump and Run on podcasts and wasn’t sure what was going on with that but I looked it up. That looks like a great time to save some sanity
Or you choose one of the WDW restaurants that are bookable on Open Table . You can cancel those without penalty, right up to the time of the reservation.
This is what we do A LOT and also for other times, I may book an ADR through WDW but an Open Table around the same time…I don’t keep them long…meaning as soon as I book FPP I will cancel the one I won’t use
shhh…don’t tell anyone Although I do cancel one or the other once I make my fast passes and know where I will be for the day…and not many ressies on Open table