Are you suffering from flygskam?

Totally see where you are coming because we are in the same boat…You think you are helping the planet one way and hurting it another. People say don’t cruise but then what about all the revenue cruise lines create for each port?..Many destinations are dependent on cruise lines for jobs. I try to reduce plastic waste even if its recyclable…Use paper instead of plastic…Eat real organic…Eat responsible meats…on and on…


I was just reading an article about this earlier today. Honestly I don’t know how I feel about it. I dislike flying anyway so I avoid it when possible but we do fly for vacations. We will be taking the train to this Disney vacation but it’s for convenience to us that we chose it. I thought a lot about taking flights to have more time in WDW but just didn’t want the restrictions on the luggage. I realize that sort of isn’t an answer.

This is a great conversation! I drive 40 miles each day (and hate every minute of it) but like living close to my parents (my brother moved his family last year so if we move too it’s harder) someday I will walk or take public transportation to work. Maybe in FL so my only driving will be to WDW! We rarely eat meat, we recycle, use water bottles, don’t drive much in the summer, use our own bags, take lunch and dinner to work every day in glass containers, use our paper bags for wrapping paper (lazy and opposed to paying for wrapping paper but now it is seen as environmentally concsious!). Shop at thrift stores for most clothing, toys, use the library instead of buying books. Keep meaning to go on one of the carbon footprint sites, maybe now I will. Does getting ice cream in a cone vs. a cup help? Just trying to do my part!


It’s a valid answer! You choose not to fly for personal reasons, not environmental concerns.

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was tagged. but due to my left pinky injury, typing is inhibited. so until i relearn how to type without a pinky, will be posting less here. i am sure that will make many of you rejoice. :wink:

Just don’t use Q A or Z. Or left SHIFT. Its esy.

Edit: now I’ll go start a thread about the benefits of taking photos on rides.

Edit 2: hope you heal up quick!


4-8 weeks i’m told :confused:

Doesn’t even cross my mind. I have 10 living children and drive a 12 passenger van.

We use hand me downs a ton so no new products need to be manufactured. When the lights are on, we are more efficient because the same wattage used by only 2 people is instead used by 10-12 people. I recycle way more than my neighbors do who have less or no kids. Our trash footprint is also way smaller than my neighbors. All leftovers are always eaten so minimal to no food waste.

In terms of eating meat, we buy a half a cow. Anyhow, any idea of how many rodents, bugs, etc are killed when an entire crop is harvested? I would think alot as compared to only 1 cow dies for my burger and steaks. Can’t seem to understand when buffalo roamed over north america many centuries ago why this wasn’t a problem.

Also, if things are this “bad”, then we as a people, need to re-invent planes, cars, etc. I think solar panels are “cool” (pun intended) and a possibly a good investment idea for your home. Saw them at legoland, their covered parking lot uses solar panels - bright idea…get it?

Again, not trying to stir waters like you mentioned, but just giving a small glimpse into another viewpoint and how I personally take in the topics you mentioned.

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I try not to think about this too much, because it can be daunting or even paralyzing. Regardless of the politics (or even the science), the environment is important and it’s clear a lot of the things we do to it aren’t good. But I have faith that as we develop cleaner technologies and the ones we have become cheaper, things will “naturally” (pun intended) get better.

Meanwhile, I do common sense things like recycle and try not to waste or use unnecessary plastics. I eat chicken more than beef (because I like chicken better) and have artificial turf. But at the end of the day, I just try to enjoy my life, and my vacations, responsibly. I don’t spend too much time thinking about what I can’t control.


I’m Catholic. Whenever I feel too much guilt, I just go to confession. :wink:

Seriously, while it’s important to examine your habits and how you might be doing something that you don’t need to do because it’s harmful, you have to recognise that just living creates a carbon footprint. Or impacts the wildlife that would live where your house if there was a forest there instead of you. But the reality is we live on this planet, too. While it’s crucial for us to be stewards of the Earth, not exploiters, we do have to live while on this Earth.

There are so many things to feel guilty about in life that can become a serious phobia. Don’t go down that rabbit hole. You have a right to life and to enjoy your life. The world is not only on your shoulders.


Oh, I forgot… the plane that carries the economy passengers that bought on a seat sale will put out just as much carbon for them as the people who bought first class tickets. Carbon credits are touted as the way to assuage your guilt, but where does that money go? If you’re going to donate, at least know what you’re donating to and if you don’t agree, but still want to offset your carbon footprint choose your own charity for your carbon credits.

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Buffalo are a different species to cattle and probably burp less methane so the number of cattle probably is worse than the millions of buffalo that were roaming the plains 800+ years ago. Have you tried eating bugs? .locusts are quite tasty, with a nice crunch :joy::yum:

If you are concerned about your carbon footprint just be aware that as a human you are home to billions of bacteria, phages and viruses. Bacteria respire, reacting oxygen with carbon compounds generating energy to run their metabolism and excrete carbon dioxide as a by product. All those billions of bacteria add up to a sizeable carbon footprint of their own.

I find the statement that global warming is bad for the planet is an inaccurate statement. The correct statement is that rapid global warming is bad for our environment and humans, as well as the inhabitants of our planet, but that is my opinion and I try to do everything in moderation to reduce my impact.

However, as I do not swim very well and live on an island 9x5 miles it is necessary to use air or sea transport to go anywhere - e.g. 10 hours to get to the UK on a cargo ferry or an hour in an airplane.


I hope you feel better soon.

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What did you do? I had a similar looking splint last year. It was a nasty injury. (I managed to get my work glove caught in the drill and it literally spun my fingers around the screw. I’m hoping yours wasn’t so dramatic.) Have you got a swan neck deformity? Mallet finger?

Exactly. Dropped a box on my pinky finger while trying to move it awkwardly.

Good luck! Heed their advice to keep it totally straight anytime you take the splint off. And when you’re doing your physio/OT afterward… don’t stretch that damned tendon at your top knuckle to the point of serious discomfort. Or you will undo everything and curse yourself.

Yes, I am. But not enough to change my behaviour so far. I just feel guilty about it, but I keep flying. I also feel guilty both for ethical and environmental reasons about meat eating, but I continue to eat it.

Having said that, I am looking to at least fly a little less next year. I have been spending a lot of time searching for theme parks in Europe to see if I can find good options for 2020 (btw, have you looked into Europa Park, the theming looks amazing).

I didn’t think of this as environmental per se, but most of my vacations start with me going to google maps and looking at what is near us that we can drive to. We’ve seen caves that way, and beaches, and theme parks I’d never heard of. I started doing it to have more vacations without spending $$$$$ but it’s turned out really great.

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Thanks. Will need your advice!