Anyone need tickets to the first party this weekend?

I’m on my second cancelled trip of the year, and I have 3 adult MNSSHP tickets for 8/9. All your favorite vloggers will be there :joy: just shoot me a message if you’re interested

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I’m sorry you can’t go.

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Oh no. If you can’t find anyone to go, I’d call Disney and see if you can either switch dates or get a credit for what you paid. You may even get a sympathetic CM who will refund you.


I was able to use our unused 2023 MNSSHP ticket price towards the cost of our 2024 party tickets. Just hold o to the conformation number from the unused tickets and give them a call when you want to use them. FWIW, CM told me ot didnt have to be used for another MNSSHP. Could be another special event…such as MVMCP or after hour event.


Oh no, I’m sorry.


Sorry to hear you’ve had to cancel. :frowning: