Somewhere in the process of writing my trip report something seems to have changed about uploading pictures. There were times in the past where I got a warned message that an image over 5 MB could not be uploaded, but for the last couple days (starting on the evening of 12/16) I have not been able to upload photos. I finally had time to fiddle today and tried three different web browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome) and found that if I reduced file size enough I could upload a picture, however, I had to reduce the file size a lot - I could upload a 1.56 MB image, but not a 3.3 MB image.
I’m curious if others noticed a change in behavior. I would also like clarity from the Touring Plans staff about what is an acceptable file size for images uploaded to this forum and to request (if possible) that the warning message return if I attempt to upload an image that is too large.
It’s looking like 3 MB may be the cutoff, then. I’ll deal with whatever the limit is, just liked it when I got a warning message when the upload failed rather than just nothing happening.