Hi all! Does anyone have room for me in a Memory Maker share? Our family is traveling 12/12-12/19. I’ve been to Disney 5 times, twice with my husband (pre-kids) and this is the first trip we are taking DD3 and DS1! We are so excited! Thanks!
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jinagauthier, We’re looking at going the exact same dates (Day 1 is Dec 13, last day is Dec 19)…haven’t shared Memory Maker, but am interested. What do we need to do to make this happen?
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There are some blog posts on how to do it…it seems a bit complicated, I am nervous about volunteering to run a share when I haven’t participated in one yet. But the rumor is that the MM price is increasing to $169 tomorrow <>
I just purchased mine…had a Disney gift card to use toward it, and saw the same post about the price going up tomorrow. If you’re interested in trying out the share, private message me.
Can anyone point me to information on how sharing MM works?