Good morning everyone! I have only been to Animal Kingdom one time and it was a half day in 2011 during the busiest week of the year. I feel very unprepared for this park visit.
We are spending a full day at AK in the middle of the week in January. I tried pulling together a TP but it had me zig zagging throughout the park and felt inaccurate.
I plan to buy LL but not LLSP for FoP. Traveling with DH, DS6 and DS9.
My initial thought is to follow this loose plan:
Rope drop - hit expedition Everest (once or twice)
Head to Safari (ride twice maybe?)
Lion king/trails
End day in Pandora - FoP, Satuli
I’m hoping by ending the day in Pandora, we will get to see the bioluminescence and the tree (park closes at 6 in January and sunset is at 6). If we got in line for FoP at 5:30, I’d expect an hour wait and then to walk out of the park all lit up?
Thoughts on this plan? Am I being too optimistic? What am I missing that is a must do?
Everyone has their personal favorites. I think the one I like most of all in AK is called Feathered Friends in Flight (or something like that), a live action bird show with real birds … of course. The birds flying around steal the show.
Your plan seems good to me in terms of less zigzagging and leaves time for those things you didn’t expect
With kids that age we usually did the trails, usually speed walking thru as kids seem to be quicker studies than adults
Near to EE is the Maharajah trek that has fruit bats - eeewwwww , an aviary and an awesome tiger enclosure.
Along the way to Africa there is a great photo op of the backside of the tree and a little further along there is a herd of drums that has always occupied our kids much longer than the fruit bats or tigers.
Bring snacks - breakfast stuff is kinda thin on the ground
At the exit of the safari is the gorilla trail with okapi, birds, tiny footed hippos and gorillas. This trail is worthwhile.
We usually do the train and the conservation stuff on day 2, if we do it.
The trails directly under the tree are way cool to me.
I have not seen the shows. The tough to be a bug can be intense. I usually had 6 yr olds lean fwd in their seats to miss the jab from the seat back that occurs. Most of our 9 yr olds tolerated it.
Look at the days events for the times for Feathered friends in flight to and from the Tree. They are free flying. Trained to swoop in. Perch. Get treats. And then swoop off. Very impressive 5 min or so. We usually are in the wide area in front of the tree. Last week I was behind the tree. Since I knew what it was, I enjoyed it. The birds’ colors are way more visible from the front of the tree.
There are projections on the tree at one point as well as the tree generally being lit up. If your day has you at FoP at 5 or even 4:45 go ahead and get in line. You’ll be able to see the projections.
It is very cool to be walking out after dark. Three trips we’ve done a late supper at Tusker House and walk out with a nearly empty park.
Pay attention to what really opens when. I ended up zigzagging more than I had hoped. Fortunately, they were manageable distances.
I was there a few days ago, and EE was down at RD, maybe because of the cold? KS does not open until official park open. That meant I had to find things to fill the Early Entry time - such as Dinosaur and ITTBAB. Maharaja Jungle Trek opens later, at 9:00, while others open with the park. In cooler weather, be it days or just mornings, the tigers can be very tough to see (I only heard it roar, no sighting). Likewise the cold kept some other animals (bats and others I forget) in their warm caves/indoor spaces.
The touring plan is designed to have you wait the least amount in line, but you can trade off on this by moving the slider to minimize walking. In my experience it saves a few steps, but still has some backtracking.
Trust the touring plan software. What may seem weird is usually very accurate unless there are unexpected closures.
I think you have plenty of time for all of that. Pay attention to opening times & show times though, especially in the early morning or late afternoon.
Good thoughts on paying attention to what is open. Your story also makes me feel a little less panicked about arriving at RD. I know it’s beneficial but I will hopefully not be panicked if late.
Yes, thank you. I usually do that but missed this step this time. I struggle with AL because so much of what you can do is walking and exploring and those are really dependent on your group and how quickly everyone explores the trails.
EE seems to be down quite often at park opening. Check what the crowd level is for that day. If it’s low (5 or less), you should be able to ride Everest in the afternoon with minimal wait. Whereas with FOP, the wait is likely to be high all day, so it’s a good one to rope drop.
With a full day you’ll have more than enough time for everything you want to do. I don’t think you really need LLMP for this plan. Have you considered Kali River Rapids or meeting Mickey & Minnie?
Not even a little bit. Super easy and relaxing park. January is a great time to be there.
I think your plan for FOP is great.
I like to take the tree trail across from Starbucks (Creature Comforts) to get from the front-ish area of the park to EE in the morning. There’s nobody there and the light is pretty in the morning and there are lots of carvings and a waterfall to take in as you make your way to Everest. I took this photo for @heathernoel to indicate which trail I meant and where the entrance is but actually never shared it (sorry Heather). I know it looks like there’s nothing there but it’s actually an animal enclosure and beyond it is the trail. Even taking that trail instead of a slightly more direct (but less scenic) route we can always ride EE multiple times with no wait in the morning. Almost nobody heads to Everest first thing. Even in the busier summer months.
The trail dumps you by one of the entrances to Asia. The one with the big archway and sign before the pretty bridge. It’s not a lot of extra steps or time at all. A bit but not significant enough that we ever notice or regret it.
I love AK so much. We have days like the one you’ve planned there pretty much each trip so I think your plan is solid. I hope you have an awesome day.
They just announced KRR will be closed. Meeting Mickey and Minnie is on my list but I’m not sure that my fam will want to. Hopefully I can talk them into it
You and Alex gave me the idea to RD Everest. I’ve seen it in your trip reports and know how much you both like it. Thanks for the support and trail insight. Much appreciated.