We absolutely loved the Garden Grill breakfast and will be a must do on future trips. The food and character interaction was great! We didn’t try dinner there, but you won’t go wrong with the breakfast.
Good luck getting your ADRs
As a practical note I had my ADR day Saturday and while the app worked well allowing me to book for the plus 10 window and get what I wanted I could only see exactly 180 days ahead on the website despite multiple browsers etc.
So basically make sure you have the MDE app if not already.
I then called in to get things I couldn’t see how to get on the app namely desert party and a ROL dining package both of which were available this far out.
Using this method I got everything I wanted so was very happy but just thought I would share my experience with you
Thanks! That is good to know. I like using my laptop but will have my phone ready just in case!
I think any dining packages can only be booked online. I have yet to see them on the app.
Oops, yep, forgot about that one as well. And BoG can be difficult sometimes.
However, I was able to get everything I wanted during Christmas with very little trouble, which was surprising since Christmas is a pretty busy time of year.
I had the same problem, wasn’t a major issue for ADR’s but it will be if it happens for FPP too
Good luck today, only about 15mins left
Thanks! I got everything I wanted at the time I wanted. I did struggle at first. The computer didn’t want to work and the app wasn’t showing availability that I could see was there. Finally switched to the iPad using safari and that worked great.
Was Mama Melrose available for dinner?
No 3pm was the latest. I took that and a noon one and will decide later which to keep. I wonder if they will open any later reservations up when it gets closer.
It looks like they changed the hours for that restaurant but I think you are right, they may have done that before.
For adults and older kids I agree with you, but for a trip with a 5 year old, I would do the party before the show.
Yes, that’s probably true…
Are FFPs hard to book on the app then?
I haven’t been for a few years so not familiar with this version of the app.
Be good to know any particular issues if using app Vs onlibe if you’re aware of them.
I’m just not used to using it, and much prefer the laptop, but have all your devices ready, just in case
They are very easy to do on the app, if it’s working! A lot of problems recently.
Thanks fingers crossed for March then!