A year of college or 3 nights?

IDK. I know initially they weren’t prioritizing those suites, but I suspect after a few cruises going online if those aren’t getting them and people are complaining, that may well change. Wouldn’t be the first time they change things - and I don’t see them going back to lowly OV or V concierge staterooms and taking them away…just policy moving forward.

But like I said, my sister stays far, far away from the concierge area (WAY too much of the “Do you know who I am???” or “I paid your salary with that suite!” entitlement) so I don’t know.

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Same. My son is only going into 4th grade but has these issues plus auditory processing disorder, dyslexia and dysgraphia. I get crap for paying for private school but his 27 person kindergarten public school was worthless, even with a really experienced teacher, because who can teach 27 kindergarteners??

Youre an excellent mama for doing what you know is best for your kid. I had a mom share her son’s college success story with me right after my son got his diagnosis and it really helped me see that he was going to be okay. Here’s to an awesome few years for your son!


Here’s another success story. My brother also has ADHD, General Anxiety Disorder and Reading Speed Dyslexia. He made it thru college without the Dyslexia diagnosis. After college he did the full psychological exam where that was determined that while he vocabulary was post grad his reading speed was that of a 2nd grader. He has a bachelor’s degree and a career in that field. It just takes support systems and love and anything is possible.


My son’s have ADHD and dysgraphia, but they are still in elementary school/jr. high. I’ve love to hear about how the process goes for getting 504 accommodations in college.

I filled out a form online at the college accommodations department site and had to get the psychiatrist to fill out a form and then before the semester started they called us and added his accommodations like preferential seating, the ability to record lectures audio and visuals like photos of slides. He could walk out of class if he was having a panic attack as well. And maybe more time for assignments and tests, I can’t remember but whatever y’all decide goes officially in the system and the profs get that notice.

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That’s great! Thanks.