If this GD thing happens to me on 6/20, my one and only day to try for AP preview of TBA by VQ I will lose my fricken mind
Oh, I so hope that doesn’t happen to you that day!!!
We were at Disney the 3rd week of May. We both have android phones, same phone plan. My phone is a couple years older than my sister’s which was new last year. Like Samsung’s newest in that category.
Every time I used MDE I had to enter my password. My sister did not have that experience.
So you’re saying that Disney and phone manufacturers are in cahoots to get more people to buy new phones??? 🫎🫎🫎
Oh I like that.
I’m not buying an iPhone.
Learning curve would be too steep.
It could just be that my sister didn’t look at MDE as much.
Just make sure to try 20 mins early. Heck-be proactive about it and change your password then change it back to you original password 10 mins before go time!
Hmmm, I just got a new Samsung phone for work. Mine is a couple years old. Maybe I need to fire that thing up, I’ve been putting the transfer off…
Her new phone was a snap to set up. I got it for her last Thanksgiving when we were in Alabama and I knew she wouldn’t be so work centric.
She had some 2017 Galaxy of some persuasion that had taken all weekend to set up because she held onto her S3 mini so long.
This new phone Samsung Galaxy S23 android so not awesomely special but sufficient for a person on the verge of retirement.
Set up and transfer of even her congested calendar to less than an hour. I wasn’t paying close attention but it seemed mostly automatic.
@OBNurseNH reported recently that transfer to her new phone was practically instantaneous.
That is good to know. My old work phone is an S7 or S8 from roughly 2017 so I was worried it would be more difficult to pull everything over to the new S23.
The Samsungs are great phones. But when I got my S21 (personal) the transfer wasn’t smooth because they wanted me to have everything saved through google.
The S21 is what I’m on now. But other than 4 gazillion photos that aren’t anywhere but on this phone - or maybe TP - I don’t have much on my phone.
I know her photos are stored elsewhere but not entirely sure where
Thank you.
lol I have been saying that since they started the whole VQ thing…we were very happy with our dumb phones until Rise
Start early and check your junk mail for the passcode if you have to reset. I have gotten 100s of emails from Disney in the past two weeks as I change ADRs, get confirmed for the trip, and change my passwords. But somehow half of the pw reset codes went to junk. So very frustrating.
FYI I was forced to change my password about a week ago. Hasn’t happened again since then.
This is exactly where I am. DH relogged into his D+ apps, I relogged into Hulu, D+, ESPN app and DVC. That reminds me I should log into Disneyland and Maggie’s D+ account. But so far I feel lucky!
I got the prompt to change my password in Hulu, so I ended also changing it on D+, and my phone saved it for all Disney platforms. I am not in the parks but so far haven’t had any issues when I open MDE, or BG1
Hope it stays that way!!
I made it through my Disney trip this past week without needing to change my password, which would be a nightmare due to all the Disney+ devices. But thanks to advice here if it happens I will just change the password again back to the original password so the devices won’t have to be reset one by one.
DW’s login had to change passwords 2x. FWIW, we both used DW’s login for BG1. Just in case that was more likely to cause the issue. And coincidentally, both times she had to reset her password it was when one of us logged into BG1 for the first time in the morning (Disney makes you log in anew every day). For various reasons, I do recommend creating a dummy friend account that you share all plans with if you are going to use BG1. That way if one account gets locked out at Go Time, you can use the other.
Disney IT needs to get their act together…
Last night, I had my family sign out and back into Disney+ just to make sure that wasn’t going to mess us up at 7AM on our upcoming trip. I got the one-time passcode message but did not have to reset our PW.
Yesterday, I successfully linked park tickets to MDE through the website. Everything is there as it should be in Tickets and Passes under My Plans. Today, I went to set up My Genie Day on the App for our first day. It said that I did not have valid park admission for that day for myself (although the rest of my party was fine.) I double checked my Tickets and Passes, and they were there. I tried again. The App went into one of its weird circle loopy things ( sorry, not a techie), so I closed it down. When I opened the app back up and tried again, everything was fine.
I do not have a high level of confidence that this is going to go smoothly in the mornings…
Yesterday afternoon the app suddenly said I have no future plans
So like you I logged out and back in and it’s fine.