I need help with selecting a room and after reading the discussion about bad parenting at WDW (and other places) I am feeling a little more comfortable with asking for help.
I have a reservation at AoA for a Family Suite for my group of 4 adults plus DGD10. What I need to know is what section are the Pet Friendly rooms located in?
Unfortunately, my DGD has been traumatized by encounters with fur babies whose parents have not taught them to be well behaved. You know the ones, the parents who let their fur babies run and jump on people while standing there saying, “oh it’s OK, they’re very friendly”. When it happens to a 2 year old (more than once) it makes them very leary of strange dogs. (So, I don’t hate dogs, I just don’t like bad parenting! Especially since a dog gets labeled as vicious when it was really their parent’s fault!)
OK, back to my question - does anyone know what block of rooms I should be farthest from so we can reduce our chances of encounters?
And a PS
We have arranged for her to have some positive experiences with dogs, including my brother’s VERY large pit bull mix. He is very gentle and well behaved and she considers him to be her friend,
I would call the resort and ask, and then ask the cast member you speak with to put a note in your reservation to make sure you are not near anyone with pets. They should be able to do that.
Phone calls go to the call center, they can add the note but hopefully someone here can help .
However, service dogs may be in any room anywhere on property.
I am so sorry to hear this. You are right to be concerned. I have a golden retreiver. He is the most gentle creature, properly trained and very submissive, but I never allow him off the lead, other than on my own land or when I know that we are alone. Sometimes, when we are out, children will run up to him and stroke him and I am always astonished that parents allow children to do this, when they have no prior knowledge of my dog or his temperament. There are some pubs here that welcome dogs and if a child, who has been eating and has remnants of food on their hands or face, approaches my dog, there is a chance that they will receive a slobbery lick. I also often see children accidentally knocked over by excited dogs on the beach. Please teach your DGC to always ask their responsible adult and the dog owner before approaching a strange dog and how to ‘introduce’ themselves to a dog. Dogs are wonderful creatures and I love mine to bits, but they are animals and unless they are specially trained therepy dogs, I think there is always some element of risk. I hope that your DGC grows in confidence and overcomes the traumatic experiences. If I encountered an energetic, boisterous dog, that was taller or as tall as me, I think I would find it quite traumatic. Good luck.
No actual trained service dog would behave as the OP is afraid of. However I do not think there is required training for emotional support dogs and I am unfamiliar with Disney’s policy on this newer but extremely common companion. Do they treat these as service animals and allow them outside pet friendly areas?
No advice to offer regarding the room, but on our October trip I was surprised to see multiple dogs in the parks. Dogs that were most definitely NOT trained service dogs. Purse dogs. Two elderly and overheated golden retrievers heat stroking on the pavement in Frontierland. Why do people do this? So selfish, and only hurts people who legitimately need the actual trained service animal. I ADORE my two huge beasts but I would never inflict them on WDW and I would never inflict WDW guests with their presence.
I agree that the dog should not behave like that. But they (legit service dogs) tend to be larger and that in and of itself could freak the child out.
(And every once in a while something does happen - a couple of years ago in NYC a certified service dog got startled or something during a performance of Cats and went after one of the cats. All were ok, but it can happen.)
Being startled is a completely different issue than what the OP expressed concern about. Any service dog that behaved as op expressed concern about would be decommissioned for further training.
But that’s not really the point of my post. I was trying to clear up if emotional support dogs are treated as service dogs or pets by Disney.
This is a link for where the dogs can relieve themselves : https://www.wdwmagic.com/resorts/walt-disney-world-resorts-information/news/14oct2017-more-details-on-pet-policy-and-dog-relief-areas-at-walt-disney-world-resort-hotels.htm
At least this can give you some info but it doesn’t mean that the dog’s are only in rooms near those areas.
I have read that the pet rooms are typically in buildings 2, 5, and 7. But if someone arrives with a dog they could be placed elsewhere in the resort. Your best bet is to make a request to be away from any pet rooms. We did this at POR and never saw a dog at the resort.
Thanks for all the info. My DGD is quite comfortable around service dogs and is well practiced in how to approach them and other strange dogs.
@desire499mike - I will check out the link as that should give me a good idea.
I have seen a video review of the pet friendly rooms at the YC and they are restricted to a specific wing and block of rooms so I am hoping that AoA is similar. That reviewer indicated that she had a difficult time finding a reservation for a pet friendly room on the property because there are limited numbers (and the rules are quite strict).
@Welsh_Dragon. The other dog friend my DGD has is a Golden, again a well behaved fur baby
@mgrayar I second your question about emotional support dogs as Disney’s posted rules say that only licensed service animals (dogs) are allowed in the parks. I guess it is like the airlines - what their rules say and what they enforce are two different things.
@desire499mike That link is perfect - just knowing where the relief areas are will let us have a plan
I think this is a nationwide trend. The past couple of years I’ve been shocked to see dogs on the trails in Yellowstone. I’ve lived here more or less my whole life & have never seen this before. They’re always “purse dogs” as you say, and the owners snatch them up when other people are around, as if following the the most literal interpretation of “No dogs ON the trail.” Hovering three feet above it doesn’t count, I guess. But in terms of adverse interactions with wild animals, and introduction of disease, it does count. Dogs are supposed to be on the leash, in the parking lot only.
I don’t often bring my big old Newfoundland into the Park at all… He wouldn’t be happy left in a car, or kept in the parking lot. I agree that people bringing dogs into these situations not only have no regard for other people, they have no regard for their own pet.
I found out that they allow dogs at the YC, and to me that’s just another reason to switch to the BWI. And I’m saying this as a dog lover- IMHO, dogs just don’t belong at WDW.
Totally agree No dog lover , apart from true service dogs, would take dogs into parks , totally unacceptable and not fair on the dog. What does the dog get from visiting a park, hot feet, thousands of legs to stare at and no fun. It’s all about the owners.
Service dogs I understand. They are trained and well used to difficult situations