In an unexpected turn of events, we are in the World!
We’ve been visiting family in Florida for the past couple of weeks and originally didn’t plan on going to WDW, but after our flights back to europe got rescheduled back in november, we decided to squeeze in a few days in Orlando
And here we are! Kids (DD13 and DS10) are psyched and DW who is usually “less enthusiastic” has been oddly excited this time around. It has taken ~7 years for her to admit she likes it here
This is a very loosely planned trip. We have two days planned in the parks and possibly one in Universal. We already started at HS today (arriving later in the day) and doing Epcot + MK tomorrow. Possible lazy day on friday, Univeral or something else on saturday.
Arrived at 3pm and started with a LL for RnRC. Rode a second time standby.
Grabbed some food at ABC. Standby for MMRR.
Rode Slinky + TSMM both with LL. I admit I’ve done a complete 360 on SDD - maybe I’ve gotten old but I used to skip it thinking it was dull, now I think it’s super fun.
We wandered around SWGE, rode MFSR 3 times (pretty much a walk on) followed by RotR.
Topped it off with another ride on SDD just before closing.
Good morning! We are adhering to the lazy mentality and slept late today. Kids ended up staying up til almost midnight…
I’ve gotten LLPP for Epcot today. I’ve been eager to test it out and we want to accomplish a lot in roughly half a day. I wouldn’t get it for $400+ pp but the Epcot price of $169 is a bit more “reasonable” if you can call it that. Though there are of course notably less LL’s, the list looks a bit sad without TT especially. But the main benefit is getting on The Rat, Frozen, Soarin and GotG LL’s any time we want without scheduling stress. And also riding GotG at least 3 times today
Shorts are very dangerous, and must coincide with the confluence of sufficiently warm temperatures, attractive legs, and the absence of easily scandalized young children.