A very good morning to liners. 38 to go. Have fun
Good morning @steve1 and liners. I know why you booked this trip. I want to go back more after the last trip than others. Have a good day.
Good morning, @Steve1 and @gabmom! 124 days until POP.
47 Good morning! Have a great day everyone!
Good morning @steve1 and Liners, single dance day has officially begun…9 days!
Morning all. Hope the sun shines for you today. Was gorgeous spring sunshine here. 294 for us.
Morning!! 28 days!!
Good morning @Steve1 and Good morning Liners! 23 days til I board a defective maintenance service elevator and see where it takes me. #PermanentResident #TwilightZone
Good morning liners! 34 days until our first stay at Portifino and 36 until MNSSHP and Food and Wine.
Morning! 43 to mnsshp!!
Good morning. 273. Have a great day!
Good morning. 9 to go!
Morning Steve, morning all.
Hello everyone!! Double digit dance at the Moore house! 99 to go!!! Have a thrilling Thursday!
Good morning @Steve1! I’m late to the party this morning. 60!
I’m late to the party, too, @SallyEppcot !! How did your FPP selections go, Sally ?
Good Afternoon liners !! 53 to go here…or is it 52 ?!? Have a great day all !
I got everything I wanted!
Unbelievably, I have three Disney countdowns right now! 64 days until Food and Wine, 217 days until Disneyland, and 386 until our bounce back with free dining at POFQ in September!
Oh, I can’t get too wrapped up in Disney countdowns and forget that I have another countdown - 35 days until Croatia!!