25 K of chats, and awards!

so, I hit REPLY on the bottom of your last post, and the new window says that I am replying to post 17 by @WeHave. did it work?

Now when I reloaded the window, these appear as nested replies. So that seems about rightā€¦

Congrats, @luv!! I tried posting that twice on chat right when the thread disappearedā€¦ Sending hugs and a big pink drink your way! Clink!

Wait! The thread disappeared on chat?

Maybe you will find it ā€“ go check ā€“ but I tried to reply twice, both failed, then I couldnā€™t find it at all on first two pagesā€¦ If it got deleted, that is pretty crummyā€¦ :confused: but maybe i am wrong. Would love to hear if you find it.

I found it and bumped it - seems to still work. Things just seem to be flying today on LINES. Which might explain why I have gotten NO REAL WORK done!!

Oh good! So glad!! :slight_smile:

How do you add an emoticon? I canā€™t do it!!

That is funny! I typed a normal smiley, colon plus parentheses, and it automatically suggested emoticons. But I actually hate them so I intentionally tried to keep my old fashioned version ā€“ but looks like new fangled tech wins again ha ha!

Oh! I learned about emoticons this morning! Thereā€™s a thread, but hereā€™s the basics. Type a colon and a little list of smiley faces will show up for you to choose from. :smile: Type a colon plus a letter and youā€™ll get other things. :blue_book: Itā€™s easy on PC. It will look like text that says ā€œcolon smile colonā€ (only imagine the actual punctuation for colon) in some phones/browsers. I canā€™t get the choices on my phone to work if I click them but I can type it out and it works. Sorry if this is confusing. Let me know if Iā€™m not making sense.

Hereā€™s the thread with more info. emoticon thread

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Thanks :blush: but thereā€™s only 5 emoticons! Wait, gotta try a letter too :frog: Hey - thereā€™s a good one!


The Kermit one is perfect for you! We can pretend this one is Miss Piggy. :pig:

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:smiley: I just used the emoticon keyboard on my iphone. Did it work?? :heartpulse:


yup! :frog:

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:sparkling_heart: congrats

Congrats! Iā€™m just checking out this emoticon tutorial :wink: I think Iā€™m going to like it. :dizzy_face:

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Oh gosh! There are tons of emoticons, if you go on the thread that @SallyEpp_cot gave you thereā€™s a link that will show you what is available to use! TonsšŸ˜†

Hi ā€œgrumpyā€

that didnā€™t go the way i planned

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