Why only one FastPass given (instead of three)

Purchased two-day park tickets, however in MDE, can only reserve one FP per day.
Is this a limit due to only a 2-day ticket?

Is this for Disneyland or wdw? Do you have a resort stay? How many days out are you? If it is wdw an you are off site and today is day 30 you can book your second day tomorrow- 30 days from that day.

WDW, staying on site end of Jan.
I may give a call. Seemed odd but I guess things can change when only getting 2-day ticket.

People were having an issue with the end of the month booking- something about the week wrapping around into the next month? Calling seemed to help.

Maybe you should move this to the WDW forum instead… (common mistake).

Goodness, thought I had. I usually just use Lines chat. Never quite get the forum usage right. Thank you for the heads up mkmuzzy.

You can edit the category to wdw.